Although the words Vision and Mission appear similar, there exists a clear difference between these two words. Most people confuse the two terms when it comes to their meaning and connotation. It is true that these terms, namely, mission and vision pertain to action andconceptrespectively performed by different means or methods. First let us define the two words to realize the difference. Mission is the action pertaining to a group of individuals who have united with a common intent. On the other hand, vision is a concept or agoalthat the seer or the individual strives to achieve. This is the main difference between the two words. Through this article let us examine the difference further.
What is a Vision?
As mentioned abovea vision is a concept or a goal that the seer or the individual strives to achieve。远见与个人,公司,organizationor a country as a whole. For an example, the vision of an individual can be to be a groundbreaking theorist in a particular discipline. This is the ultimate goal that the individual wishes to realize. Not only individuals, even organizations have visions. For an example, an educational institution can have a vision of becoming the best institute of the region. This is their ultimate goal.
What is a Mission?
任务是与一群人共同意图的个人有关的行动。使命与社会组织,非政府组织或政治运动有关。For an example in a political movement, the mission can be to create a political system that is fair and just. This movement works towards achieving this mission.
Thus the word ‘mission’ is used in the broader sense whereas the word ‘vision’ is used in the narrow sense. This is also one of the main differences between the two terms, namely, mission and vision.
我们也经常看到,很多任务形式to realize a particular vision. This is true in the case of political science andsocial science。Missions are also formed with the religious perspectives. On the other hand, vision is formed with the idea ofdevelopmentand enhancement in mind. It is equally true that any given country would develop with true missions and visions. This highlights that there is a clear connection between visions and missions, although they are different from one another. This difference can be summarized as follows.
What is the Difference Between a Vision and a Mission?
Definitions of Vision and Mission:
Vision:Vision is a concept or a goal that the seer or the individual strives to achieve.
Mission:Mission is the action pertaining to group of individuals who have united with a common intent.
Characteristics of Vision and Mission:
Vision:远见与个人,公司,an organization or a country as a whole.
Mission:The objectives of a mission are not bound to change even in the course of time.
Image Courtesy:
1.”Ghana Vision 2020” by Government of Ghana – Author. [Public Domain] via Wikimedia Commons
2. “Paul Ryan with Mitt Romney in Norfolk, Virginia 8-11-12” by James Currie from Norfolk, USA – Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan. [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons