Thekey difference元素een coronavirus and SARS is that冠状病毒是一个积极的单链的大家庭RNA viruseswhile SARS is a serious form of肺炎caused by a distinct species of coronavirus named SARS-CoV.
1.Overview and Key Difference
2.What is Coronavirus
4.Similarities Between Coronavirus and SARS
5.并排比较 - 表格形式的冠状病毒与SARS
What is Coronavirus?
Coronavirus is a large family of enveloped viruses with helical-shapednucleocapsids. Coronaviruses cause illnesses ranging from common cold and pneumonia to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) to Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) to Covid 19. These viruses infect the respiratory tract of mammals, including humans. People of all ages are susceptible to this virus. The common symptoms of coronavirus infection are runny nose, cough, sore throat, and headache.

Figure 01: Coronavirus
There are different types of coronavirus. Generally, coronavirus can be transmitted from animals to humans. When people have weakened immune systems, this virus spreads from person to person through droplets carrying the virus. Therefore, touching or shaking hands with an infected person, making contact with the objects having the virus, etc. can cause the spread of the virus. Hence, in order to prevent the spreading of this virus, it is necessary to take precautions such as wearing surgical face masks, washing your hands using soap for at least 20 seconds, and avoiding close contact with infected people.
SARS disappeared in 2004, after making more than 8000 people sick and 774 deaths. SARS-CoV infects humans, bats and certain mammals. Similar to coronavirus disease 19 (Covid 19), SARS was an outbreak of severe respiratory disease across the globe. After 2004, no SARS patients have been recorded until now. But in 2012, a new coronavirus emerged and caused Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), which was an illness similar to SARS.

SARS disease symptoms include fever over 100.4°F, dry cough, sore throat, breathing problems including shortness of breath, headache, body aches, loss of appetite, malaise, night sweats and chills, confusion, rash and diarrhoea.
What are the Similarities Between Coronavirus and SARS?
- SARS was a disease caused by a species of coronavirus.
- Morphologies of SARS-CoV and Coronaviruses are similar.
- 它们是ssRNA病毒。
- 冠状病毒和与SARS相关病毒的复制策略相似。
- Coronavirus infections and SARS show similar symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
What is the Difference Between Coronavirus and SARS?
Coronaviruses are a large family of single-stranded RNA viruses which are enveloped and helical shaped. On the other hand, SARS is a serious form of pneumonia caused by a species of coronavirus named SARS-CoV. So, this is the key difference between coronavirus and SARS. There are different types of coronaviruses and SARS is caused by a species called SARS-CoV.
Moreover, coronavirus diseases are reported every year while SARS emerged in 2002 and disappeared in 2004.
摘要 - 冠状病毒与SARS
Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses which are single-stranded RNA viruses. There are different types of coronaviruses. They cause illnesses ranging from common cold to severe conditions such as SARS, MERS and Covid 19. SARS is a respiratory illness reported in 2002 from China. It was a serious form of pneumonia. However, SARS disappeared in 2004 and until today, no new patients have been reported. So, this is the summary of the difference between coronavirus and SARS.
1.“Coronaviruses.” National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,Available here.
2.约翰逊,香农。“ SARS:症状,预防和治疗。”Healthline,Healthline Media,2017年3月31日,Available here.
3.“什么是冠状病毒?”ScienceAlert,Available here.
Image Courtesy:
1.图片来源:内容提供商:CDC/DR。弗雷德·墨菲(Fred Murphy) - 疾病控制与预防中心的公共卫生图像图书馆(PHIL)(公共领域)通过Commons Wikimedia
2. “SARS virion” ByCDC/C.S. Goldsmith – (Public Domain) viaCommons Wikimedia