Key Difference – FungivsProtozoa
In the context of the modern分类system, fungi and protozoa belong to the Kingdom Fungi and Kingdom Protista respectively under the domain真核生物。王国Protistawas developed in order to classify organisms that do not belong to any of the other classification groups. Kingdom Protista composes ofunicellular植物 (藻类)和单细胞动物。单细胞动物被归类为原生动物。王国真菌包含模具和酵母。这关键区别between fungi and protozoa is that真菌主要是多细胞真核生物,而原生动物是单细胞真核生物。
3。What are Protozoa
5.Side by Side Comparison – Fungi vs Protozoa in Tabular Form
真菌属于包括不同类型物种的真核生物群。常见的真菌类型是酵母,霉菌,and蘑菇。王国真菌可以分为五个真正的门,即Chytridiomycota,zygomycota,ascomycota,ascomycota,basidiomycota和最近描述的肾小球肾小球。将真菌与其他植物,一些生物和其他植物区分开的特征细菌它们的存在是有斑点细胞壁。真菌是异养的,使它们与动物相似。他们分泌不同类型的消化酶on organic matter to absorb food by decomposing them.
Fungi do not possesschlorophyll。因此,它们不会光合作用。在真菌增长的背景下,他们完成了机车动机。简而言之,他们的增长是他们的流动方式。它们还可能产生是否鞭毛的孢子。鞭毛的孢子通过flagellaand the rest of the spores have the capacity to travel through air or water.
真菌分布在世界各地的众多栖息地。他们具有在极端环境条件下生活的能力,但是大多数真菌在陆地生态系统中都能很好地发展。真菌发展为hyphae。真菌菌丝是长度为2-10 µm的圆柱结构。它们具有线状丝状结构,其长度为几厘米,具体取决于物种。菌丝在密切接触时具有融合在一起的能力。这被称为菌丝融合。这导致了菌丝体这是一个相互联系的菌丝网络。菌丝主要涉及通过摄取生物体的营养物质来为真菌开发的生长条件。肉眼可以观察到真菌菌丝或发育的菌丝体。
原生动物被认为是单细胞生物,是具有细胞的真核生物核。它们还与动物共享共同的特征。共同特征包括运动和异育。原生动物大量存在于具有高水平的水分(水性环境)和土壤的环境中,它们占据了营养水平的不同阶段。原生动物通过纤毛和鞭毛或伪动物运动的存在来实现他们的运动。拥有鞭毛的原生动物称为鞭毛。他们可能拥有一个鞭毛或多个鞭毛。纤毛由于存在类似头发而移动cilia。According to the pattern of the beating of cilia, these protozoa can alter their direction of the route. Protozoa such asAmoebaaccomplish locomotion through pseudopodia. Some protozoa are stationary and they do not move. These types of protozoa are referred to as sessile organisms.
这y utilize different techniques and biological mechanisms to fulfill their food requirement for their growth and survival. Osmotrophy is a biological process which protozoa implement to absorb nutrients through their细胞膜。他们表演吞噬作用by engulfing food particles with the assistance of pseudopodia. They also have the ability to directly uptake food particles from an aperture like structure which is called the cytosome. These processes are identical to different types of protozoa species. Once taken in, the food particles are digested within the largevacuolethe protozoa possess.
In the cell membrane of protozoa, is the pellicle which is a thin layered structure that supports the cell membrane and it involves in assisting the organism in different aspects that include protection, to retain their shape and in hydrodynamics for easy locomotion. The constituents of the pellicle vary from organism to organism. Therefore, according to the organism type, the pellicle could be either elastic flexible or rigid.
- Fungi and protozoa are heterotrophic.
- Both types of organisms have flagella for locomotion.
- Both types of organisms are eukaryotic.
真菌和原生动物 |
Fungi are a group of organisms which are multicellular eukaryotes. | Protozoa are a group of organisms in Kingdom Protista which are unicellular animals. |
细胞结构 | |
真菌主要是多细胞。 | 原生动物是单细胞的。 |
运动 | |
真菌穿过鞭毛,空气或水。 | 原生动物机车作者:弗拉格拉,纤毛,伪虫。 |
Cell Wall | |
Fungi cell wall possesses chitin. | 原生动物细胞壁具有有助于保护和运动的颗粒。 |
例子 | |
真菌的一些例子是曲霉,青霉,曲线曲,酵母,琼脂菌,粘液 | Some examples of protozoa are阿米巴,阿米巴 |
摘要 - 真菌vsProtozoa
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1.'Hallitusseene aspergillus sp。Eospead 40 X’sulev Kuuse - üleslaadijaOmaTöö,(CC BY-SA 4.0)通过下议院维基梅迪亚
2.’3.1.5原生动物5'by Kaden11a - 自己的工作,(CC BY-SA 4.0)通过下议院维基梅迪亚