Key Difference – Ascospore vs Basidiospore
Fungiare a group of microorganisms which include harmful and beneficial species. They serve as the main decomposers in the environment. Fungi showsexual and asexual reproductivemechanisms in which sexual and asexualspores形成为传播的媒介。真菌孢子与种子非常相似。他们发芽并引起新的真菌殖民地。孢子具有简单的结构。但是,有各种各样的真菌孢子,它们与形状,颜色,形式和尺寸不同。真菌孢子可用于真菌物种的表征和分化。无性孢子是在Sporangia或作为分生孢子中产生的。性孢子是由两种不同的真菌菌丝之间的交配产生的。有四种主要的性孢子,称为卵巢,Zygospores,子肠孢子和孢子孢子。孢子孢子和大孢子之间的关键区别在于Spospore是一个性生产的真菌群的孢子,而basidiopopeors是一种性产生的真菌组基本菌的孢子。
1.Overview and Key Difference
2.What is an Ascospore
4.Side by Side Comparison – Ascospore vs Basidiospore
What is an Ascospore?
子囊孢子is a sexual fungal spore produced by ascomycetes fungi. Ascospores are formed as a result of sexual reproduction between two different ascomycetes fungi. Ascospores are very specific to ascomycetes since they are produced inside ascomycetes’ specific special microscopic structures called ascus. Ascus is a cylindrical or spherical structure developed within the cells or hyphae of the fungus. A typical ascus bears eight ascospores. Hence, it was given the name ascus, referring to the structure consisting of eight spores. There are certain species which produce one spore per ascus and also over a hundred spores per ascus.
ASCI是在子宫菌的某种封闭结构中开发的内部结构。因此,也可以在内部生产子孢子,而不会从菌丝中突出。子宫孢子的形成是一个复杂的过程,遵循两个连续的细胞分裂过程:减数分裂和有丝分裂。这diploidzygotedivides by meiosis to produce four haploid nuclei. Each of the four haploid nuclei duplicates by mitosis to produce eight haploid cells called ascospores inside an ascus.
子囊孢子s can be coloured or hyaline and can have different shapes.Common fungal species which produce ascospores includePenicilliumspp,Aspergillusspp,NeurosporaSPP,酵母等
基本孢子s bear attachment pegs called hilar appendage in each spore, which occurs due to the attachment with the basidium; it can be used to identify basidiospores from other spores. Basidiospores are asymmetrical and single celled. They possess different shapes ranging from spherical to oval to oblong to cylindrical. Basidiospores are served as the main dispersal unit of basidiomycetes fungi.
基本孢子s are formed during the sexual reproduction of basidiomycetes. One basidium produces four basidiospores externally by meiosis. Millions of basidia exist under one cap of a mature basidiocarp. Hence, one basidiocarp is able to produce billions of basidiospores at a time. Some species ofAgaricuscan produce billions of basidiospores from one basidiocarp. Puffball fungusCalvatia gigantea被鉴定为产生约五亿个基础孢子的物种。
What is the difference between Ascospore and Basidiospore?
孢子与大孢子 |
子囊孢子is a sexual spore produced by fungi ascomycetes | 基本孢子is a sexual spore produced by fungi basidiomycetes. |
Production | |
子囊孢子s are produced inside a structure called ascus. | basidiospores由Basidia产生。 |
孢子编号由一个结构 | |
一个典型的ass轴有八个子肠孢子。 | A typical basidium produces four basidiospores. |
Spore Production | |
子囊孢子s are produced endogenously. | 体内产生担孢子。 |
概括– Ascospore vs Basidiospore
1. “Two Major Groups.” Ascomycetes and basidiomycetes. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2017.
2. Moulds and their characteristics. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2017.
3. Spores in Fungi. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2017.
Image Courtesy:
1. Chaya5260的“ Neurospora Crassa生命周期” - 自己的作品(CC BY-SA 3.0)viaCommons Wikimedia
2. “03 02 09 life cycle of Agaricus sp., Agaricales Basidiomycota (M. Piepenbring)” By M. Piepenbring – M. Piepenbring(CC BY-SA 3.0)viaCommons Wikimedia