Taste, color, and production process are some of the differences between balsamic vinegar and red wine vinegar. First of all, vinegar is an acidic liquid produced from alcoholic beverages, and it is certainly a very versatile product. It is being used by mankind since ages, and the folklore is that it got created by accident when葡萄酒留下与使它变酸的空气接触。如果人们看一下这个词的词源,他或她发现它来自法国醋,这实际上意味着酸酒。有数十种醋,其中有两种醋和红酒醋是两个流行的品种。香醋和红酒醋之间的差异应在本文中讨论。
香醋是以传统方式形成的经典意大利醋。传统的醋发酵过程是将葡萄酒放入带有孔孔的木桶中时进行的。在此过程中,酒精会转化为acetic acid并形成醋。但是,这并不容易。需要非常精心的谨慎来制作葡萄的浓郁香醋,因为它们被粉碎并在特殊制成的桶中磨损,这两者都可以氧化and发酵。香醋可能需要长达12年的时间。随着年龄的增长和蒸发,它被转移到较小的桶中,经过12年的仔细准备,人们会得到厚且深色的香醋。
Wine vinegar is one quality of vinegar that is most common in France and some other Mediterranean countries. There is a huge range of wine vinegars with most getting prepared in a maximum of 2 years. It can be made from either red or white wine. Red wine is used in the making of red wine vinegar. It takes just a year or two to ferment. The red wine vinegar has a brownish color and a mellow flavor and is used for salad dressings and sauces.Cheaper varieties of red wine vinegars have an aggressive flavor and are typically less aged.
•另一方面,香醋是准备from grapes after they have been crushed, aerated and fermented for many years; the best ones are aged for around 12 years.
• 成本:
• Balsamic vinegar is more expensive than red wine vinegar.
• Color:
• Flavor:
• 用法:
• 起源地;原产地:
• Balsamic vinegar came from Italy.
• You can substitute red wine vinegar with white wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar or sherry vinegar.
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