Difference Between
Posted byDr.Samanka
Posted byDinusha博士
Heart Attack vs Anxiety Attack People in the world today are unlike what they were a century back. They are well versed regarding many diseases, their respective symptoms, and even at times what needs to be done. This is mostly due to the rapid flux of information that is passing between individuals, but at times […]
Posted byDr.Guru
Heart Attack vs Heart Failure Heart is a pump working continuously in our body. Heart circulates the blood throughout the body. Blood carries the oxygen and nutrients to the tissue, and the waste products from the tissue. Heart get the oxygen and nutrients via the coronary arteries. Heart is capable to function on its own, […]
Posted byDr.Guru
Signs of Cardiac Arrest vs Symptom of Heart Attack The symptoms are the experiences or feelings of a patient which are not normal and indicating a disease condition. Signs are medical characteristics which are detected by a doctor/ health care giver. A symptom can be a sign when it is detected by a doctor. Simple […]
Posted byDr.Guru
Cardiac Arrest vs Heart Attack Cardiac arrest and heart attack are two different entities. However both are serious medical emergencies. A Lot of people used to confuse with the meaning of cardiac arrest and heart attack. Cardiac arrest is also known as circulatory arrest. In cardiac arrest the blood does not pump out of the […]
Posted byDr.Guru
Chest Pain vs Heart Pain Chest Pain and Heart Pain are mistaken to be same by many. Every chest pain is not heart pain (cardiac pain) and heart pain may not be present as chest pain. The heart is a pump which works continuously. It is situated inside the chest cage towards the left side. […]
Posted byOlivia
Angina vs Myocardial Infarction Angina and Myocardial Infarction is something majority of people are not aware of. It is common to see people becoming confused when they or someone who is dear to them suffers a situation when he experiences pain in his chest. Though both are closely related and tell tale signs of problem […]
Posted byDr.Guru
心脏病发作vs Stroke Heart attack is named as MYOCARDIAL infarction in the medical field. The heart is the pump which circulates the blood though out the body. It works continuously. Heart has special cardiac muscles which can rhythmically contract and relax. As like other organs, heart needs the fuel (fatty acids) and oxygen for […]