关键差异 - 氧合vs Ventilation
氧合和通风are two different physiological processes. In respiratory physiology, the process of the exchange of gases betweenlungsand ambient air is known as ventilation. Thus, ventilation is the act ofinhaling and exhaling。通风进一步分为肺泡通气和肺通风。Alveoli通风is the process of exchanging gases between alveoli and the external environment. Pulmonary ventilation is the natural process of breathing which is called as inhaling and exhaling. The addition of oxygen to any system including human body is described as oxygenation in medicine. The oxygenation may also refer to the treatment of a patient with oxygen input or combining of medication and other substance with oxygen. Thekey differencebetween oxygenation and ventilation is,充氧是当患者的器官或组织下方提供氧气的人工过程hypoxiastate or blood in低氧血症state (low oxygen in the blood) while ventilation refers to the natural process of flowing air into and out of the lungs.
1。Overview and Key Difference
2。What is Oxygenation
3.What is Ventilation
4.Similarities Between Oxygenation and Ventilation
5.Side by Side Comparison – Oxygenation vs Ventilation in Tabular Form
What is Oxygenation?
这oxygenation is the act of addition of oxygen to human system artificially. Thus, it is not termed as a natural process. Oxygenation or oxygen therapy supplements the body with the required amount of oxygen in medicine. The oxygen is needed for normal cellmetabolism。在美国,家庭氧气的成本约为每月4000美元。氧合化非常重要,因为氧气不足可能导致心脏骤停和脑部衰竭。根据患者的病情,将氧合进一步分为几种类型。
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is a technique of providing respiratory support. The blood is sent through artificial lung which consists of two compartments, separating from the gas permeable membrane, with the blood on one side and ventilating gas on the other side. This is used prominently in newborns.
Hyperbaric Oxygenation
Pulsed Oxygenation
Transtracheal Oxygenation
What is Ventilation?
这通风is the process of inflow and outflow of atmospheric air between the alveoli of lungs and atmospheric environment. It is mainly divided into two processes; pulmonary ventilation and alveoli ventilation. Pulmonary ventilation refers to the total exchange of air (inspiration and expiration). And alveoli ventilation is described as the ventilation of alveoli where the gas exchange with the blood.
Pulmonary Ventilation
Pulmonary ventilation is commonly known asbreathing。呼吸被称为“灵感”,呼吸被称为“到期”。空气进入嘴和鼻腔,穿过pharynx,然后是喉,最后进入胸腔的气管。在胸腔中,气管分为两个较小的管子“bronchi.” Bronchi are further divided and form bronchioles. The alveoli can be found connected to the ends of bronchioles. The external air is flown through this route and reaches till the tiny structures known as “alveoli” where gas exchange takes place. In breathing out the air follows the same route in the opposite direction hence completes expiration process.
During inspiration process, thediaphragm合同。因此,它增加了胸腔腔的内部高度(体积)及其内部压力。肋骨向上移动,然后diaphragmflattens to increase the internal space. This activity causes the outside air to enter into the lungs. In the expiration process, the intercostals muscles and diaphragm are relaxed, returning to their original position. This decreases the internal space and increases the internal pressure. This activity further decreases the size of the thoracic cavity. Hence, the lungs force the air out.
肺泡通气被定义为将大气中的氧气带入肺部,并将二氧化碳从体内排出,并通过混合的静脉血液将其带到肺部。从技术上讲,它也被定义为每分钟达到肺泡的大气新鲜空气的体积以及每分钟离开身体的相似空气。肺泡通风取决于一个人的肺部量。这lung volumechanges from person to person based on age, sex and body size.
What are the Similarities Between Oxygenation and Ventilation?
- In both cases, the oxygen is delivered to the respiratory system.
- 这两个对于人类的生存都非常重要。
- Lungs are involved in both instances.
- 这both of these help in maintaining blood oxygen level.
氧合vs Ventilation |
氧合is the addition of oxygen to any system including human body externally and artificially. | Ventilation is the process of exchanging gas between lungs and ambient air or inflow of atmospheric air into the lungs and outflow of the air out of the body. |
Type | |
氧合是外部管理提供的人工过程。 | Ventilation is a natural process. |
Duration | |
氧化是唯一可能的患者show hypoxemia conditions (low level of oxygen in the blood) or Hypoxia (low level of organs or tissue oxygen). | Ventilation takes place naturally in all the time. |
Pulse Oxymeter | |
In oxygenation, the pulse oximeter is important to measure how much oxygen needed to be administrated externally. | 在通风中,不需要或必不可少的脉搏血氧仪。 |
Categorization | |
氧合consists of several types: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, Hyperbaric oxygenation, Pulsed Oxygenation, and Transtracheal oxygenation. | 通风包括两种类型:肺通风和肺泡通风。 |
摘要 - 氧合vs Ventilation
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1。’Wrist-oximeter’ By UusiAjaja – Own work, (Public Domain) viaCommons Wikimedia
2。’Nose in cold weather’ By Cruithne9 – Own work,(CC BY-SA 4.0)通过Commons Wikimedia
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