关键区别 - 专性与兼职厌食症
在地球历史开始期间,分子氧不存在。一次,蓝细菌started tophotosynthesize,分子氧被释放到大气中。然后,生物体开始对氧气环境的反应不同。微生物表现出极大的多样性,因为它们到处都是。它们对分子氧的反应不同。根据氧气需求,将生物体分为不同的群体,例如强氧,强性厌氧菌,兼性厌氧菌,微颗粒和气压剂。专性Anaerobe是一种被氧气杀死的生物。兼性厌食症是一种能够在氧气和不存在环境的情况下生活的生物。这关键区别在专性和兼职厌食症之间在氧气存在的情况下,强制性厌食症无法生存,而在氧气存在的情况下,兼性厌食症可以生存。
3。What is a Facultative Anaerobe
5。并排比较 - 义务与兼职厌恶的表格形式
什么是blosgiate anaerobe?
这word ‘Obligate’ refers to the strict or must. Obligate anaerobe is an organism that needs a strict oxygen absent environment. In the presence of oxygen, obligate anaerobes are killed due to the poisoning by oxygen. They are lacked with the酶例如,由于存在氧气而形成的致命超氧化物所必需的超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶。如果存在氧气,则强制性厌氧菌的所有功能都会停止。这些生物不需要氧气才能呼吸。相反,他们表明厌氧呼吸或发酵for the production of energy. Obligate anaerobes use different types of molecules such as sulfate, nitrate, iron, manganese, mercury, or carbon monoxide as electron acceptors for respiration. Examples of obligate anaerobic bacteria are放线菌,,,,细菌,,,,梭状芽胞杆菌spp,梭菌spp,卟啉念珠菌spp,Prevotellaspp,丙酸杆菌spp,然后Veillonellaspp.
这se organisms survive only in the anaerobic environments such as deep sediments of soil, still waters, at the bottom of the deep ocean, the intestinal tract of animals, hot springs etc. Obligate anaerobes are difficult to study under laboratory conditions. They require special equipment to study. The anaerobic jar is one of the most commonly used equipment for the obligate anaerobe studies. This equipment removes oxygen from the inner environment and fills it with carbon dioxide.
一些属于兼性厌氧菌的细菌是Staphylococcusspp,Streptococcusspp,大肠杆菌,,,,沙门氏菌,,,,李斯特菌,CorynebacteriumandShewanella Oneidensis。一些真菌(例如酵母菌)也是兼性厌食症。
What are the Similarities Between Obligate and Facultative Anaerobe?
- Both categories are defined based on the oxygen requirement.
- 两组可以在氧气缺乏的环境中生存ronments.
- 有专性和兼性厌氧菌。
专性与兼职厌食症 |
Obligate anaerobe is an organism that lives in an anaerobic environment in the complete absence of oxygen. | Facultative anaerobe is an organism that is capable of growing and living in both aerobic and anaerobic environments. |
氧的存在 | |
在存在氧气的情况下杀死了强制性厌食症。 | 在氧气存在的情况下,兼性厌食症不会被杀死。 |
呼吸 | |
专性厌氧显示出厌氧呼吸或发酵。 | Facultative anaerobe shows aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration and fermentation. |
在培养管中 | |
Obligate anaerobe gathers at the bottom of the culture tube. | Facultative anaerobe gathers mostly at the top of the culture tube and also spreads throughout the culture medium. |
例子 | |
Some examples of obligate anaerobes are放线菌,,,,细菌,,,,梭状芽胞杆菌,,,, 梭菌,peptoptopococcus, 卟啉念珠菌,,,,prev奥特拉,丙酸杆菌和Veillonella。 |
一些辅助厌氧菌的例子是Staphylococcusspp,Streptococcusspp, 大肠杆菌,,,,沙门氏菌,,,,李斯特菌,,,, CorynebacteriumandShewanella Oneidensis。 |
概括 -专性与兼职厌食症
Obligate anaerobe and facultative anaerobe are two types of organisms categorized based on the oxygen requirement for growth. Obligate anaerobe lives under the complete absence of oxygen. Molecular oxygen is poisonous to obligate anaerobes since all their metabolic functions are ceased in the presence of oxygen. They show anaerobic respiration for the energy production. Facultative anaerobe is an organism that can live and grow in the presence or absence of the molecular oxygen. When oxygen is present, facultative anaerobes show aerobic respiration while they can switch into fermentation or anaerobic respiration when the oxygen is absent. This is the difference between obligate and facultative anaerobe.
1。OpenStax. “Oxygen Requirements for Microbial Growth.” Oxygen Requirements for Microbial Growth | Microbiology.在这里可用
2.’e。大肠菌细菌(16578744517)’尼亚德 - 大肠杆菌细菌,(CC BY 2.0)通过下议院维基梅迪亚
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