Thekey difference在二元酸和羟基之间是含氧酸包含至少一个氧原子的molecule, but the binary acids do not contain oxygen. Binary acids have hydrogen and another non-metal element in the molecule.
We can define an acid in several ways according to various scientists. According to theArrhenius or Bronsted-Lowrydefinition, a compound should have a hydrogen atom and should be able to donate it as a proton if we are to name it as an acid. But according to刘易斯, there are molecules, which don’t possess hydrogen, but can act as an acid, i.e. BCl3is a Lewis acid, because it can accept an electron pair. Regardless of the above types, we can describe and classify acids in many other ways. For example, asinorganic and organic acidsdepending on the elements they have and also as binary acids and oxyacids.
1.Overview and Key Difference
2.What are Binary Acids
4.Side by Side Comparison – Binary Acids vs Oxyacids in Tabular Form
What are Binary Acids?
Binary acids are molecules, which contain two elements; one element is hydrogen, and the other one is a nonmetal element, which is more electronegative than hydrogen. Therefore, binary acids can donate H+ions in aqueous media. HCl, HF, HBr, and H2S are some of the examples for binary acids. These show different properties when they are in pure form and when they are in aqueous media.
In the nomenclature of binary acids, if the acid is in the pure form, the name starts with “hydrogen”, and the anionic name ends with “-ide”. For instance, we can name HCl as hydrogen chloride. Aqueous binary acid solution names are starting with “hydro”, and the anion name ends with “ic”. There, we add the word “acid” to the end of the name. For example, aqueous HCl solution is hydrochloric acid.
Further, we can determine the strength of the binary acid by how readily it donates H+到媒介。如果氢与另一个元素之间的键很弱,则可以很容易地捐赠质子。因此,酸更强。形成的阴离子的稳定性也影响了质子捐赠能力。例如,HI比HCl更强,因为我–阴离子比CL更稳定–anion.
羟基是酸,在分子中含有氧原子。hno3, H2SO4, H2CO3, H3po4,ch3COOH are some of the common oxyacids. Other than the oxygen, there is at least one other element and at least one hydrogen atom in the molecule.
The ability to donate one or more protons is essential to make the element an acid. The hydrogen of the oxyacid binds with the oxygen atom. Therefore, in these acids, we can determine the acidity by the electronegativity of the central atom and the number of oxygen atoms.
What is the Difference Between Binary Acids and Oxyacids?
Binary acids are molecules, which contain two elements; one element is hydrogen, and the other one is a nonmetal element. Whereas, oxyacids are acids that contain an oxygen atom in the molecule. Therefore, the key difference between binary acids and oxyacids is that the oxyacids contain at least one oxygen atom in the molecule, but the binary acids do not contain oxygen.
As another significant difference between binary acid and oxyacids, in oxyacids, the proton that is being donated is attached to the oxygen atoms. In binary acids, the hydrogens are attached to the other nonmetal element.
Below is an infographic on the difference between binary acid and oxyacids.
概括– Binary Acids vs Oxyacids
Binary acids and oxyacids are two types of acidic compounds. The key difference between binary acids and oxyacids is that oxyacids contain at least one oxygen atom in the molecule and binary acids do not contain oxygen. Binary acids have hydrogen and another non-metal element in the molecule.
1. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. “Oxyacid Definition and Examples.” ThoughtCo, Jun. 22, 2018.Available here
2. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. “Definition of Binary Acid.” ThoughtCo, Jun. 22, 2018.Available here
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1.“ CNX Chem 14 03羟基”OpenStax(CC BY 4.0)viaCommons Wikimedia