要了解声速的意义,首先要了解声音。声音实际上是一种波。准确地说,声音是一种纵波。纵波使粒子振荡,使振荡平行。这些振荡的振幅决定了声音的强度(声音有多大)。很明显,要产生声音,必须有一个机械振动。声音可以被认为是一组压力脉冲。必须指出的是,声音传播总是需要媒介。真空中是没有声音的。声速的定义是声波在单位时间内通过弹性介质的距离。 The speed of sound in a medium is equal to the square root of the coefficient of stiffness divided by the density of the medium (v = (C / ρ)1/2).测量声速有几个实验。其中一些方法是单发定时法和昆特管法。
光速是现代物理学中一个非常重要的概念。它被认为是宇宙中唯一的绝对参数。根据相对论,光速是任何物体可以假设得到的最大速度。可以证明,任何具有静止质量的物体都不可能达到光速,因为它需要无限的能量。要了解光速的概念,对光有一个很好的认识是必不可少的。光是电磁波的一种。它不需要媒介来传播。然而,从理论上提出并在实践中证明了光也具有粒子特性。这就是物质的波粒二象性。每一种物质都有这种二元性。 As said earlier the theory of relativity suggests the relative velocity between any two objects cannot take velocities higher than the speed of light. This acts as a natural limit. It must be noted that speed of light can be reduced due to impedance of a media. This causes events such as refraction. The colour of the light depends on the wavelength of the wave. In the particle theory of light, the light waves come in small packets known as photons. The value of the speed of light in free space is 299,792,458 meters per second. This value can be obtained using several methods. These methods include Romer method, which uses astronomical objects to measure the speed. Several methods measure frequency and wavelength of several light beams separately and use them to calculate the speed of light.
光速和声速的区别是什么? 声音不能在真空中传播,而光可以。 •真空中的光速是任何物体所能获得的最高速度。声速没有任何这样的意义。 •声速总是比光速低。 |