由于所有宗教主题都引起了极大的争议,而且作为术语,宗教和spirituality, are used by many as if they are synonyms, this article brings out the difference between religion and spirituality. Religion can be defined as a belief in and reverence for a divine power. It can be a personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. Institutionalized Religion focuses ondogmas和规则whereas spirituality focuses on the soul that dwells within you. The American psychologist William James (1842–1910) defines spirituality as “the feelings, acts, and experiences of individual men in their solitude, so far as they apprehend themselves to stand in relation to whatever they may consider the divine.” Religion and spirituality are two terms that do not appear to have any difference at all in their sense, but they do have some difference for sure.
宗教is all about beliefs and worship. In short it can be said that religion refers to a group. Religion focuses more on the outside due to its indulgence in dogmas and rules that are often felt rigid by the people.
Spirituality leads towards enlightenment. Spirituality builds the individual himself.
The perfect combination of both is needed in the present days for man to succeed in life. You need to have a perfect blend of religion and spirituality to succeed in your life. You need to be spiritually strong to react to successes and failures of life. You need to be religiously strong too in order to shape your character.
• Religion focuses on dogmas and rules followed by a particular sect or group of people whereas spirituality focuses on the soul that dwells within you.
•可以说,宗教关注的细节ide; spirituality focuses on the within.
• Religion comes from outside whereas spirituality comes from within.
• Religion makes a person disciplined, whereas spirituality makes a person strong by mind.
• Religion aims at building faiths and customs, whereas spirituality aims at building the strength of the soul. It makes the person ready to combat any situation in life.
Hence, you can say that religion is a subset of spirituality. If you think deeply then you will come to know that once you are spiritually strong you need no religion to survive. You become a polished individual once you train in spirituality.
I have alwats seen religion as a set of man made rules, dogmas and precepts that are really about mans relationships with his fellow men (or women) it is about horizontal relationships. Spirituality is a VERTICAL and individual circumstance that is almost entirely about ones personal and individual relationship with some higher power (be that higher power a God, or Gods or life force or whatever name you give it) The difference is that it is PERSONALLY and exclusively about SeLF and the Higher power.
There is true spirituality and false spirituality. True spirituality is about a loving God who cares for us as a heavenly Father, and who is taking the initiative to build a relationship with his sons and daughters on earth. False spirituality is about the “freedom” for each individual to construct his own spirituality based on whatever he/she feels.
我很遗憾地说,写这篇文章的人只对宗教有所了解,似乎在他们的最后一条评论中对此有一个先前存在的偏见。我认为宗教保护个人免受危险的道路。灵性以一件事为前提。这种精神存在。然后,问题变成了哪个精神?是善还是邪恶的精神吗?你怎么知道的?那就是宗教的来源。几代经验和与上帝的关系。每个人都有灵魂。不是精神。 Which spirits you let influence you can do as much harm as good, if not more so. Free will is yours to follow or not follow the path. But as with everything in life, learning is key. We teach our children skills to protect them and prepare them for life. Why then is teaching skills to protect your soul such a bad thing? Believe in God, not man when it comes to religion. Spirituality is part of religion and I agree with Victor, it’s building a relationship with God. If we just go by people, we’re easily put off. People are not perfect. Some religious people just go through the motions without exploring the spiritual side of it at all. But anyone who’s serious about their Faith, sits down, looks into it, thinks about it and prays (which is conversation with God) and spends time with God, soon finds a spirituality that’s deep, rich and meaningful and an inner strength that can only come from the Divine. If we just rely on ourselves, at some point you’ll meet a crisis in your life where you’re helpless and can’t see a way out. Some will argue that you’re not strong enough spiritually. There’s a saying that there are no atheists in foxholes. There’s a reason for that.