神童vs Savant
Whenever we come across a person with some extraordinary talent or skill, we tend to describe him with words like genius, prodigy, gifted, savant and some more. We tend to equate these words with each other without pausing for a moment to think, if there indeed are any differences between a savant and a prodigy. This article tries to take a closer look at the two concepts to find and highlight the differences.
Though a child is usually prefixed with prodigy, the concept can be applied to adults, as well. A prodigy is a person with exceptional talent in a particular field. A prodigy does not necessarily translate into a genius later on in his life, and when this does happen, the person is described as precocious talent that did not deliver as an adult.
A savant is a person who may give the impression of being exceptionally talented in one field, though; he may not have the intelligence to put his perceived skill into good effect or use. In fact, a savant may not even understand the implication of his extraordinary skill level in a particular field. Most savant persons are retarded and in conjunction have autism. However, not all autistic people are savants. A savant never qualifies to be a prodigy.
A savant is a person with one or the other developmental disorder and simultaneously has an extraordinary skill, brilliance or expertise that seems to defy his mental limitations.
神童和熟练之间有什么区别? •对于休闲观察者,尤其是在观察出色的能力时,野蛮人和神童看起来可能相似。只有在更仔细的分析中,很明显,熟练的人是智障人士,并且具有自闭症特征。并非所有的自闭症患者都是熟练的人。同样,只有大约50%的专家是自闭症。 •神童总是与儿童有关,从不与任何残疾有关。 |
Chris Fornesasays
Studies have actually shown that most “savants” in fact, have I.Q. scores higher than 70 (the threshold of mental retardation). Also, prodigious savants aren’t the only individuals in the savant category who don’t exhibit any cognitive disabilities, the difference between prodigious savants and talented or splinter skilled savants is that their abilities are definitely natural, they’re prodigies, and many, including Stephen Wiltshire, depend on aid by others to survive. The only sure way to know that someone is a savant (and not what you consider only a prodigy) is if they have extraordinary skill and a diagnosis of a developmental disorder or disability.
Durzo Blintsays
总体而言,一篇启发性和信息丰富的文章(尽管需要一些校对);非常感激。不过,我真的很感激 - 而且,我敢肯定,如果你们能够详细说明一个非常混乱且无法解释的Safant综合征,这似乎并没有澄清我在网络上的任何地方。
As someone with Class-V Autism Spectrum Disorder who falls into this category, I know what they’re talking about: I once heard it described on a website (I can no longer find) as “semi-savant syndrome”, though plenty of searching now yields no diagnostic indications for any kind of a “semi”, “partial” or “milder” savant syndrome. This seems like a critical oversight to me.
我非常有兴趣在此方面找到一些全面的材料,并希望在此过程中更好地了解自己。“半浪费综合症”似乎很恰当,因为对我个人而言,以及绝大多数也跌入10%的人 - 精神能力上有很大的票房,但在这两个方向上都很柔和。
一方面,我总是表现出异常high aptitude and ease of application with writing and comprehension of English language structure, memorizing long random alpha-numeric sequences, researching any topic (exceptional capacity for acquisition, retention and comprehension), bio-medical sciences (particularly biochemistry and neurology), a level of proficiency in the application of raw/foundational logic that had my professors blown away, and more just high-bright range ability with computer sciences.
On multiple occasions, when several GP’s and medical specialists could find no way to solve or even treat some very serious medical problems I was having, in little time I devised experimental and purely-theoretical medical procedures (biochemical and mild surgical) , applied them to myself, and completely *cured* extremely-debilitating health problems who’s only solution from doctors entailed “sorry, there’s nothing we can do”.
BUT…On the other hand, I’m 30 years old and still without a drivers license; I took the learner’s test 3 times, studied thoroughly beforehand and still got confused by the questions and failed miserably all 3 times.
I constantly get confused by simple little things in the physical environment like not being able to figure out how the latch on my locker worked, navigating my way through a simple building to a given room, and I’ve totally given up on figuring out how to work the automated checkout machines they started putting in grocery stores… now there lies an exercise in hopeless, persistent humiliation.
检测谎言,操纵,欺诈或仅仅是社交线索的微妙之处……忘了这一点,在这个我本质上 *是 *昨天出生的。
I *REALLY* want to find literally written on this and figure out what’s happening in the brain, how many people might actually be similar to myself, and hopefully – just maybe – work on a treatment through guided neuroplasticity with sufficient mechanical understanding of neuro-mechanics (tremendously more possible than you might think – I can say from experience).
Really?? Using the words ‘retard’, ‘retarded’, etc about anybody is very offensive indeed. I thought I had gone back to 1958. Please, if possible, could you edit this to reflect modern attitudes and language. Please.