关键区别 - 雄性与女生殖细胞
人类繁殖分别涉及精子和卵子的雄性和雌性生殖细胞。两个细胞在称为受精的过程中融合zygote。The zygote then will develop into anembryowhich then divides into the development of an organism. The male germ cells which are known as精子sare synthesized in the seminiferous tubules of the male testis, and the female germ cells which are known asova在雌性卵巢中合成和开发。Male germ cells areheterozygouswith X and Y chromosomes whilst the female germ cells are homozygous XXchromosomes(两个X染色体)。这是key difference在雄性和雌性生殖细胞之间。
1.Overview and Key Difference
3.What is Female Germ Cell
4.Similarities Between Male and Female Germ Cell
5.并排比较 - 表格形式的男性与女生殖细胞
在男性繁殖,生殖生殖细胞称为精子。雄性细胞细胞是杂合的,存在X和Y chromosomes。精子是通过称为精子atogenesis发生在睾丸的生精管中。植物细胞没有分裂的能力,它们的寿命很短。精子具有运动能力以达到雌性生殖细胞的能力。卵形并穿透它,从而完成了受精的过程,然后发展成一个称为合子的结构。有些精子是非运动的,被称为精子。由于缺乏运动能力,他们没有能力到达卵子并受精。
The human sperms are单倍体(n)由23个染色体组成。人类的精子由四个不同的部分组成,包括头部,颈部,中部和尾巴。头部区域是一种扁圆盘形结构,由由紧密堆积的染色质纤维组成的核组成。在头部的尖端区域,由修改溶酶体被称为ACROSOMES。它由水解组成囊泡which involve in the degeneration of the wall of the ovum to facilitate the penetration and fusion of the sperm with theovum。即使释放了数百万个精子,也只有一个精子与卵子融合。颈部区域和精子的中部由两个组成中心,一个远端和一个近端。
The proximal centriole involves in the cleavage of the ovum. The distal centriole gives rise to an axial filament 9+2 ultra structure that develops a longflagellum具有9+2个超结构;尾巴。精子的颈部区域是鞭毛的起点,主要由线粒体为精子穿过女性生殖道的运动提供所需的能量(ATP),并成功地到达精子。人类精子由长鞭毛组成;尾巴。它推动精子前进,使其可以到达雌性卵。尾部区域覆盖了精子的总长度的大约2/3。它被一个plasma membrane并被包围细胞质。
What is Female Germ Cell?
在female reproduction, theovumis considered as the female germ cell which acts as the female reproductive cell. The ovum is haploid (n) with 23 chromosomes and homozygous with the presence of XX chromosomes. Once the male sperm unites with the ovum, it develops into a diving structure known as the zygote which completes the process of fertilization.
与人类精子相比,卵子的大小相对大得多。它是非运动的。卵子被不同的细胞层包围。最内向的透明层被称为叶片膜which is developed by the ovum. Outer to the vitelline membrane is theZona Pellucida,这是厚的非细胞膜。与卵黄膜类似,Zona pellucida是透明的。在两个细胞层之间,卵黄膜和Zona pellucida中,存在一个狭窄的空间,称为细胞素空间。外部到Zona pellucida,存在一个厚厚的径向细胞层Corona Radiata。It is composed of granulosa cells or follicular cells. The action of the acrosome will initiate the penetration through the granulosa cells first which then digest into the rest of the cell layers.
卵子的核位于细胞中心。它嵌入了一个含有特殊物质的细胞质中,称为约克。它也称为Vitellus。一旦施肥过程完成,它就会为卵子和发育中的胚胎提供所需的滋养。根据不同生物体中卵细胞中存在的约克数量,它们有三种类型。微生物, less amount of york in small-sized ovum;中世纪, ovum present with a moderate amount of york andmacrolecithalwith a larger amount of yolk. Human ovum is microlecithal. Due to the eccentric positioning of the nucleus, the human ovum, it develops polarity.
What are the Similarities Between Male and Female Germ Cell?
- Both involved in the process of reproduction where the sperm cell unites with the ovum that develops into a dividing structure known as the zygote through fertilization.
- 两种细胞都是单倍体(N),有23个染色体。
What is the Difference Between Male and Female Germ Cell?
男性生殖细胞与女生殖细胞 |
雄性生殖细胞,也称为精子,是一种男配子,涉及性繁殖。 | A female germ cell, also known as ovum, is a female gamete involves in sexual reproduction. |
Chromosomes | |
A male germ cell is heterozygous with X and Y chromosomes (XY). | 雌性生殖细胞与两个X染色体(XX)纯合。 |
合成的位置 | |
雄性生殖细胞是在雄性睾丸的生精管中发展的。 | 雌性生殖细胞是在雌性卵巢中发展的。 |
结构 | |
Sperm is a small cell with the presence of distinct structures; disc-shaped flattened head, neck, mid piece and tail. | Ovum is a comparatively larger cell with a spherical structure that consists of a centrally located nucleus. The cytoplasm is thick due to the presence of yolk. |
Motality | |
Male germ cells are usually motile. | Ovum are nonmotile. |
Male and female germ cells unite to form a zygote through a process known as fertilization. This is a key step in human reproduction. The sperm, male germ cell is composed of four (04) distinct structures including disc-shaped flattened head, neck, mid piece and tail. At the tip region of the head, consists of a modified lysosome known as acrosome which consists of hydrolytic vesicles which involve in the degeneration of the wall of the ovum. The ovum is a spherical structure with different layers of cell linings which covers the ovum. The nucleus is located eccentrically. Both cells are haploid (n) with 23 chromosomes. The key difference between the male and female germ cells is Male germ cells are heterozygous with X and Y chromosomes whereas the female germ cells are homozygous with two X chromosomes.
- The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Ovum.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 22 Nov. 2010.在这里可用
- The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Sperm.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 5 Sept. 2016.在这里可用
Image Courtesy:
- ‘蛋精子’Zappys技术解决方案(CC由2.0)viaFlickr
- 来自美国德克萨斯州休斯顿市的Ed Uthman撰写的“卵形卵子,人类卵巢(6264548320)”。(CC由2.0)viaCommons Wikimedia