Key Difference – Loyalty vs Trust
忠诚和信任是任何牢固关系的重要方面。尽管忠诚度和信任是相互联系的,但它们并不相同。Loyalty is faithfulness ordevotionto someone or something. Trust is the reliance on theintegrity、强度等的人或事。This is the key difference between loyalty and trust. Sometimes, trust may be the basis of loyalty.
1.Overview and Key Difference
3.What is Trust
4.Side by Side Comparison – Loyalty vs Trust
忠诚是对一个人,团体,事业或国家的忠诚,支持,忠诚或奉献。Loyalty “implies a faithfulness that is steadfast in the face of any temptation to renounce, desert, or betray” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). The loyalty of a team’s fans, the loyalty of爱国者, the loyalty of a spouse, the loyalty of a pet, etc. are some examples of loyalty. A person who shows loyalty to someone or something can be described by the形容词loyal. The opposite of loyal is disloyal.
Loyalty may or may not be based on a valid cause. For example, a person may be loyal to his country because he was born in that country. But, when it comes to loyalty to a sports team or music band, the loyalty may be based on subjective factors such as talents of the members, physical appearance of the member(s). Loyalty may be also based on trust. In some cases, loyalty may be described as long trust. For example, imagine that a person buys a certain brand of soap because he trusts that product. This long-term trust will result in loyalty to the brand.
What is Trust?
相信can be described as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, etc., of a person or thing. When one trusts another, this means that one person is willing to rely on the actions of another. Trust is an important concept in relationships between people. A relationship cannot go on without trust. We trust our partner to be loyal to us. We also expect them to be truthful, i.e., always tell the truth. We also trust our parents,siblings, children, etc., trust them to be loyal and supportive. Thus, trust is the basic foundation of any relationship.
A person who trusts people easily can be described with the adjective trusting. A person who can be trusted can be described by the adjective trustworthy. A person who cannot be trusted is described as untrustworthy. The opposite of trust is mistrust or suspicion.
What is the difference between Loyalty and Trust?
Loyalty vs Trust |
忠诚是对一个人,团体,事业或国家的忠诚,支持,忠诚或奉献。 | 相信is the reliance on integrity, strength, ability, etc., of a person or thing. |
Opposite | |
Disloyalty and treachery are the opposite of loyalty. | Mistrust and suspicion are the opposite of trust. |
Relationship | |
Loyalty can be a result of long-term trust. | 相信can be a stepping stone to loyalty. |
Other Parties Involved | |
A person can be loyal to another person, group, cause or a country. | A person can trust another person, group, concept (ex: law), or a cause. |
概括– Loyalty vs Trust
The difference between loyalty and trust is that loyalty the faithfulness or devotion to someone or something whereas trust is the reliance on integrity, strength, ability, etc., of someone or something. These two aspects are sometimes interrelated since loyalty can be based on trust.
Image Courtesy:
1.“”A loyal dog puts his paw on the lap of a sick girl holding f Wellcome V0015127“欢迎e Image Gallery(CC BY 4.0)viaCommons Wikimedia
2.“ 1797401”(公共领域)通过Pixabay