关键区别 - 道尔顿的原子理论与现代原子理论
Dalton’s atomic theory is the oldest theory about the原子。In 1808, John Dalton published his theory, which was composed of severalpostulates这是根据他的化学组合实验和定律建立的。后来,许多科学家为现代原子理论的发展做出了贡献,这与道尔顿的原子理论不同,并且对原子及其行为有更高级的事实。道尔顿的原子理论和现代原子理论之间的关键区别在于根据道尔顿理论,原子的结构和特性与现代原子理论提出的结构和特性不同。
2。What is Dalton’s Atomic Theory
4。并排比较 - 道尔顿的原子理论与现代原子理论以表格形式
What is Dalton’s Atomic Theory?
Dalton’s atomic theory is a set of postulates proposed to describe the structure and properties of an atom. The development of this first atomic theory was influenced by facts like the dissolution of different gases in water in different proportions, the composition of tin oxide with 88% Tin while the rest beingoxygen,,,,etc. Then Dalton proposed the following postulates.
- All matter is made out of atoms which are indivisible.
- 一个元素的原子是相同的我n their mass, size, and shape.
- 原子可以在少量的整数中相互结合。
- 原子既不能被创造也可以破坏。
- An atom is the smallest unit of matter that can take part in achemical reaction。
These postulates above does not explain the structure or properties of an atom in detail.
- 原子不可分割;它们由亚原子颗粒组成。
- 可以存在相同元素的原子,这些原子与众不同。这些被称为isotopes。
- Atoms are not always combined in small numbers. Inpolymers,,,,a large number of atoms are combined to create the分子。
- Atoms can be destroyed byfission(ex:原子bomb)。
- Sometimes, subatomic particles take place in certain reactions. (ex: radioactive decay)
Apart from these, the modern atomic theory explains more details about the atom and its behavior. Some of these details are listed below.
- 原子由亚原子颗粒(例如电子,质子andneutrons。
- 质子和中子共同形成了原子的核心,在该原子中发现了电子轨道around the nucleus, which looks like a cloud.
- The orbitals occupied by electrons are energy levels which indicate the energy of a certain electron.
- 这些能级由亚能水平组成。
- 同一元素共享的所有原子的基本特征是质子的数量。同一元素的原子可以具有不同数量的电子,这些电子称为离子和不同数量的中子,称为同位素。
- Compounds can be made out of the same element or different elements.
- When all the elements are considered together, their atoms have properties that vary periodically.
Dalton’s Atomic Theory vs Modern Atomic Theory |
道尔顿的原子理论是一种关于不可分割的颗粒的理论,称为原子,这是所有物质中最小的颗粒。 | Modern atomic theory is the theory that explains the fully detailed structure of an atom. |
Structure of Atom | |
根据道尔顿的原子理论,原子是不可分割的颗粒。 | Modern atomic theory says that atoms are composed of subatomic particles; protons, electrons, and neutrons. |
Isotopes | |
道尔顿的理论没有解释有关同位素的细节。它指出同一元素的所有原子都是相同的。 | Modern atomic theory explains details about isotopes having a different number of neutrons and the same number of protons. |
电子 | |
道尔顿无法提供有关电子的详细信息。 | Modern atomic theory explains the location, reactions, and behavior of electrons. |
Chemical Reactions | |
道尔顿的原子理论解释说,原子是可以参与反应的最小粒子。 | Modern atomic theory states that subatomic particles can participate in reactions. |
摘要 - 道尔顿的原子理论与现代原子理论
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1。Gillaspy, Rebecca. “Modern Atomic Theory: Electron Clouds, Schrodinger & Heisenberg.” Study.com. N.p., n.d. Web.在这里可用。07 June 2017.
2. Shrestha,Binod。“达尔顿原子理论的假设。”化学库。N.P.,2017年3月21日。在这里可用。07 June 2017.
1。” Daltons particles” By John Dalton; Published in New System of Chemical Philosophy (Public Domain) via下议院维基梅迪亚
2.用户的“氦气原子QM”:YZMO - 自己的工作(CC BY-SA 3.0)通过下议院维基梅迪亚
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