Thekey differencebetween bioinformatics and computational biology生物信息学是一个和多个学科相关的事业吗d that combines biological knowledge with computer programming and large sets ofbig data, while computational biology is a multidisciplinary field that usescomputer science,统计和数学,以帮助解决生物学问题。
1.Overview and Key Difference
2.What is Bioinformatics
3.What is Computational Biology
4.相似性 - 生物信息学和计算生物学
6。Summary – Bioinformatics vs Computational Biology
What is Bioinformatics?
生物信息学是一个多学科领域,将生物学知识与计算机编程和大量大数据集合在一起。这是一个跨学科领域,它制造了理解大型生物学数据的方法和软件工具。在处理大量数据时,通常很有用基因组测序data. There is a great deal of overlap between bioinformatics and computational biology. But bioinformatics requires more programming and technical knowledge. In bioinformatics, scientists can interpret the results of more complex research studies. Some well-known examples of bioinformatics include analysis of genetic and genomic data, cheminformatic comparison of proteins to assist personalized medicine, prediction of protein function from data sequence and structural information, etc.
Moreover, in bioinformatics, a genome browser is a graphical interface that helps to display information from a biological database. Genome browsers enable scientists to visualize and browse entire genomes with annotated data that include gene prediction and structure, proteins, expression regulation, variation and comparative analysis. The best-known genomic browsers are UCSC genome browser, Ensembl genome browser, and NCBI’s genome data viewer. In bioinformatics, there are also well-known protein browsers that help researchers predict protein structure and function, such as Uniprot, Swissprot, etc.
What is Computational Biology?
Though computational biology relies on computers, it usually does not use a lot of machine learning and other more recent development in computing. Furthermore, computational biology concerns all parts of biology that are not wrapped up in big data. Currently, one of the most popular applications of computational biology is computer-based mathematical modelling to understand disease patterns.
What are the Similarities Between Bioinformatics and Computational Biology?
- 生物信息学和计算生物学是生命科学中的两个重要跨学科领域。
- Both fields use the knowledge of computer science, mathematics, and statistic in order to interpret the biological research outcomes.
- 这两个领域都是新的新兴生活科学。
- They are both interrelated.
- Both fields are often integrated into laboratories, research centres, and colleges.
生物信息学is a multidisciplinary field that combines biological knowledge with computer programming and large sets of big data, while computational biology is a multidisciplinary field that uses computer science, statistic, and mathematics to help solve problems in biology. So, this is the key difference between bioinformatics and computational biology. Bioinformatics requires more programming and technical knowledge than computational biology.
Summary – Bioinformatics vs Computational Biology
生物信息学and computational biology are two important interrelated fields in life sciences. Bioinformatics is a field that combines biological knowledge with computer programming and large sets of big data. Computational biology is a field that uses computer science, statistic, and mathematics to help solve problems in biology. Thus, this is the key difference between bioinformatics and computational biology.
1.“”生物信息学” An Overview | ScienceDirect Topics.
2. “什么是计算生物学?” School of Computer Science – Carnegie Mellon University.
Image Courtesy:
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