Winter vs Autumn
Winter and Autumn are two seasons that show differences between them when it comes to their characteristics. It is a known factor that four main seasons are caused by the revolution of the earth. The four important that are caused by the revolution of the earth are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Autumn is caused when the sun returns to the equator. The season of autumn is experienced by the North Temperate Zone. On the other hand winter is caused when the sun is at the tropic of Capricorn. The season of winter is then experienced by the North Temperate Zone.
这是interesting to know that the seasons are caused as a result of the different positions occupied by the earth while revolving around the sun. During the first half of the year the northern hemisphere tilts towards the sun resulting in the season of summer in the region.
During the second half of the year, the southern hemisphere tilts towards the sun, and thus experiences summer and the northern hemisphere experiences winter during this period.
Winter is considered to be the coldest season on the year. In the northern hemisphere it is experienced from December to February and in the southern hemisphere winter is experienced from June to August. This is the main difference between Winter and Autumn.
On the other hand the season of autumn is considered the third season of the year. It is the season when crops and fruits are gathered and leaves fall too. In the northern hemisphere autumn is experienced from September to November and in the southern hemisphere the season is experienced from March to May.
The word ‘autumn’ is derived from the Latin word ‘autumnus’. Both these seasons were dealt with great detail along with their characteristics by the English and the American nature poets.
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