Prejudice vs Discrimination
偏见和歧视是两个不同的词,这些词与许多词相互关联,许多人将它们视为同义词,忽略了它们之间的区别。但是,实际上,它们是分开的,并且具有不同的含义。偏见可以定义为先入为主的概念或学习或反对某人或某事。在不her hand, discrimination refers to action or behavior towards these things and people. Just because we don’t like something or someone, we develop many stereotypes about him, and start to discriminate him. Discrimination is in our nature and blood. We discriminate among different types of food, don’t we? But, it is harmless as we give preference to some particular types of food and it does not make any difference to others whether we eat Chinese or Mexican cuisine. Similarly, we discriminate among colors and get our home painted in colors for which we have a leaning towards. Some people have likings for a particular dress and abhor others; this is also discrimination. But all such instances of discrimination make no difference to others. It is all about personal liking and disliking. Yet there are instances when discrimination and prejudice affect others as well. In such instances, it can be very problematic.
首先,在阐明偏见的概念时,可以理解为baseless and, usually, a negativeattitudetowards members of a group。Stereotypicbeliefs, negative feelings and a tendency to discriminate against members of the group are some of the common characteristics that can be noticed in prejudice. This can be based upon a number of factors such as sex, race, age, sexual orientation, nationality, socioeconomic status and even religion. Prejudice usually results instereotypingand discrimination. A person who has been raised in a segregated manner in his society will have prejudices against other people and communities depending on what he has been taught and has been reinforced with. Thankfully, in this age of information, these so called differences and boundaries are better appreciated and understood than ever before. This is not to say that prejudices will ever go away in totality. These prejudices are harbored inside minds and get reflected through speech, comments, actions andbehaviors when dealing with the external world. We are all guilty of prejudices. The etymology of the word prejudice itself tells us the folly of our behavior. Prejudice comes from words ‘pre’ and ‘judgment’. This implies that we prejudge people before gathering facts and information that would help us in avoiding discrimination.
What is Discrimination?
Discrimination can be interpreted asthe external representation of prejudice。如果我们在班上有一个受欢迎的学生,并且对他有偏见的感觉,这些感觉将转化为反映这种偏见的行为。这些行动是指歧视。Prejudice is in mind, discrimination is in action.Discrimination on the basis of color of the skin is as old ascivilizations. This has resulted in many revolts and struggles forequality世界各地的。“种族隔离”一词代表了南非的白人抑制和歧视黑人和有色皮肤的人的方式数百年。这种歧视终于结束了,因为第一圣雄甘地who worked for the rights of Indians and colored people in the early 20th century and then later in the form of Nelson Mandela’s struggle for independence andequality。Also, in the real world, it is easy to see that discrimination is not just against the color of skin and races; it is also against sex which is reflected in unequal salaries of men and women. In the corporate sector, the high positions are occupied by males. There are very few opportunities for women. This is because of prejudices that are harbored against women that they are not as capable as men, which becomes reflected in actions through discrimination.
What is the Difference Between Prejudice and Discrimination?
- Prejudice is pre judgment of people and things in our mind, whereas discrimination is its reflection on our action, speech and behavior.
- Discrimination follows prejudice and not vice-versa.
- With increasing knowledge and information, much of prejudice and discrimination has been removed from this world.
Image Courtesy:
- 保罗·温伯格(Paul Weinberg)的反种族隔离抗议02 F [CC BY-SA 3.0或者GFDL], 通过Wikimedia Commons
- El C [公共领域]的种族隔离标志英语南非荷兰语Wikimedia Commons