The main components of human urinary system are two kidneys, two uteri, a urinary bladder, and a urethra. The main function of the urinary system is to maintain homeostasis of extracellular fluid by filtering out electrolytes and other waste products, and excreting them with excess fluid. The excretory product is called urine. First, two kidneys filter waste products from the blood stream and convert the filtrate into urine. Urine is then passed into the urinary bladder. From there, it travels through the urethra and is excreted from the body. Human kidneys are the major organs of the urinary system, which are bean-shaped and made up of nephrons; the functional and structural unit of the kidney. Normally apart from urethra, other parts of the urinary system are very much similar in both females and males. The only difference of male and female urinary system is associated with their urethra.
Male Urinary System
Male shares the urinary system with the reproductive system. The urethra of male is longer than female, because it extends through the penis. Male urethra is approximately 18 to 20 centimeters long, and it serves as a common passageway for both urine and semen from the body. The urethra of males has four sections ; a spongy urethra, membranous urethra, pre-prostatic urethra, and prostatic urethra, and it extends through the prostrate, internal and external sphincters, urogenital diaphragm, cowper’s gland, and the entire length of the penis.
Female Urinary System
The bladder and the urethra in females are not connected to reproductive system. Females have very short urethra, which is approximately 1.5 inches long. The urethra extends only through the neck of the bladder, internal and external sphincters, and the urogenital diaphragm. Urinal infections are common in females due to the short distance between urinal opening, anus and vagina.
男性和女性的Uri之间的区别是什么nary System?
• Male has a long urethra than female. This is because the male urethra extends through the penis.
• The only function of the female urethra is to transport urine from the urinary bladder to the external space. But in males, urethra is involved in transporting urine from the bladder to the external space, as well as ejaculation of semen fluid through the urethra.
• Unlike in females, in males urethra is considered as a part of both urinary and reproductive systems.
• Urinal infections are more common in females than in males.
In there first sentence there’s a mistake.
It should be “…two kidneys, two ureters, a urinary bladder, and a urethra.” At least I’m hoping that ‘uteri’ is a mistype for ‘ureters.’ Because if it’s not then the majority of humans are apparently lacking either one or two vital urinary tract organs.
Devarier Robinsonsays
the uteri is plural for ureters so look it up
The plural for ureter is ureters. Uteri is the plural of uterus. Why would the plural of ureter be uteri? That makes no sense.
一个 - 我结束一个单词复数的结尾适用于拉丁语中的单词,而在单数时以-us结尾。输尿管的原点是希腊语,因此它不会适用,但是即使它是拉丁语,它仍然不会适用,因为单数形式以-er -er -us结束。即使不是那样的 *,为什么将其相交的情况会扭转前两个音节从“ ur-et”转换为“ ut-er”?
The first sentence of this article mistakenly claims that the human urinary system includes more than one uterus, which is obviously untrue. It’s a simple type-o, but it should be corrected.