Italian vs Sicilian
Italians and Sicilians. They have different ways of life, as well as different culture. If you say Italian, most likely you will imagine; pasta, how romantic the place is, or where should you dine once you get there. But if you think of Sicily, most likely one will think of fruits and vegetables.People say that Italians and Sicilians differ on how and what dialects do they speak. Sicilian uses Sicilian dialect which is a different dialect compared to the standard Italian. And lastly, one can definitely say that Sicilians are Italians but can never say that Italians are Sicilians.
Culture plays a vital role in our society. Just like Italian and Sicilian; they may be in the same country, but they have different cultures, thus they act differently.
简单来说: • Italians are known for pasta whereas Sicilians are known for their produce. • Sicilians are Italians too but Italians may not be Sicilians. |
i’ve been told by my sicilian friends there is a difference, since their from palermo sicily, and don’t call them italians, it’s an insult.
To know a Sicilian you most know the Island’s history. Sicily is volcanic island in the middle of the Mediterranean. It has VERY fertile soil allowing for great farming and food production. This central prime Mediterranean location has been fought over and conquered by many cultures for a millennia. Arabs,Norman Vikings, Greeks, Italians, French, and probably a few more. The gene pool is from toughest war survivors from all over. The island’s genetic diversity is shown in many different physical genes. Having genes from strong war survivor ancestors, both Sicilian men and woman display rough and tough dominant territorial personalities. They are extremely protective and loving of their families. Many confrontations have a kick the bee hive effect with the entire family ready to jump in to defend their families with not a bit of hesitation. Sicilians are more straight toward than northern Italians. Many would say Sicilians are rude. Their intentions are not rude, but their culture is not one where you get sugar coated versions of the truth. YOU GET IT TOLD TO YOU JUST THE WAY IT IS. Sicilians are also very perceptive and stubborn. Once they’ve made up their mind, there is NO changing it. If one does not like you, that’s how they’ll feel for life. Sicilians also have brains like elephants, they forget very little if not nothing. If something you say today contradicts what you said 30 yrs ago, a sicilian will call you out on it instantly. Maybe its all the omega 3’s from a Mediterranean seafood diet lol. The average day in Sicily is a happy one. They’re a very social and helpful culture. The mafia is a real and active secret government. They collect their taxes you could say. I really can’t say for sure if paying the mafia tax gets you anything in return but I’d guess yes it does. There are also language differences between Italians and Sicilians. Italians are more relaxed and less territorial. Italians are more knowledgeable in subjects they know nothing about if you know what I mean. Sicilians will give you a concept they think makes sence while informing you they don’t know for sure. Italians repeat themselves a lot more. Sicilians HATE repeating themselves. If you cross a Italian, they’ll get even. If you cross a Sicilian they’ll try and most likely succeed in ruining your entire life.
That is why I am sicilian. The best people in the world.
Todd Ratajczaksays
我是西西里裔美国人(我的父亲家族是100%的西西里人。)我爱我的西西里家族托德·安东尼(Todd Antony)
吉米·奇奥(Jimmy Chio)says
我同意和Barese。所有的意大利南部was once part of the Sicily’s you can do a history check on that. Southern Italy Naples, Bari(Puglia) and Calabria all have southern italian dialects that does not sound like standard Italian. They also had similar history of colonization of what is know Sicily. The have had Norman, Roman, Spanish, Greek, Arab..its all the same. How do I know..cause I am one. Thank you. All regions have their cultural difference. Sicilians, Barese and Calabrese have much more in common with each other than with Northern Italian. That is a fact! You will find that Sicily has much more Spanish and Greek and Arab influence as does Bari and Calabria. After all they were once part of the Sicily’s. * Southern Italy or Mezzogiorno (Italian pronunciation: [ˌmɛddzoˈdʒorno],[1] literally “midday”) is the traditional term for the southern regions of Italy, encompassing the southern section of the continental Italian Peninsula, the island of Sicily, and usually the island of Sardinia.[2][3][4] It generally coincides with the administrative regions of Abruzzo, Apulia, Basilicata, Campania, Calabria, Molise, Sicily, and Sardinia.[5][6][7] Some also include the most southern and eastern parts of Lazio (Sora, Cassino, Gaeta, Cittaducale and Amatrice districts) within the Mezzogiorno, because these territories were also part of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The island of Sardinia, although for cultural and historical reasons having less in common with the aforementioned regions, is frequently included as Southern Italy or Mezzogiorno, often for statistical and economical purposes.[7][8
吉米·奇奥(Jimmy Chio)says
And what about those damn high and mighty Romans…
Thomas Moloiansays
all italians in know call themselves sicilians and don’t like to be referred as italians. i’m
not either and don’t understand
感谢您通过查看和了解其历史来了解意大利和西西里人之间的差异。西西里岛是古希腊的一部分,那不勒斯(新城市新城市)也是如此。伊索(Aesop)是西西里岛(Sicily)的哲学家和明智的人,被视为教罗马儿童的奴隶。西西里人说的是希腊语言而不是意大利语的方言。最好的希腊废墟是在西西里岛 - 狄奥尼斯剧院(在回合中),阿波罗(Apollo)的甲骨文(Oracle)以及戴安娜(Diana)和德米特(Demeter)的庙宇。西西里岛被许多文化定居 - 所有人都希望控制海洋。西西里岛是通往欧洲,非洲和中东的门户。腓尼基人,阿拉伯人,北非人。(迦太基或突尼斯),诺曼人(法国),哈普斯堡(德国人),维京人,西班牙,在农业,天文学和食品方面留下了富裕的贡献 - 西西里岛和南方后来被罗马征服,他征服了语言和文化的语言和文化。因此,有一个真正的原因,为什么北方和南部(Mezzogiorno)永远看不到眼睛。
When Italy was unified in the nineteenth century, the north took a region rich in resources, and made it a poor one by their continual exploitation.
I like what you said, Nick, that Sicilians have inherited strong genes from being warriors.
他们是幸存者的世纪。他们有balls of bronze.
Gianpiero Magronisays
Gerald Harrell(@jerryharrellym1)says
我的母亲(Visenzinna Verga)于1922年左右出生于马萨拉(Marsalla),我有她的原始出生证明。我的母亲父母都是来自Polermo附近的小镇。我长大了,吃了一些很棒的食物,而Pinulada,Chees Cannolies和Gubladina(Caponetta)带回了我的童年。我很想有一天去。