The terms Immoral and Unethical present a conundrum, which literally has made most of us pulling our hair out when trying to understand the difference between the two. Of course, many of us often mistakenly believe them to essentially mean one and the same thing. In fact, the line between Immoral and Unethical is so thin that it is difficult to understand the difference between the two terms. However, a relatively simple explanation of the definitions of both terms will help clear the confusion. Keep in mind, however, that despite the subtle difference, the two terms are used interchangeably in society and often as synonyms.
要了解不道德的一词,首先有必要理解“道德”的含义。德传统上指的是原则对与错的行为总体上。因此,我们可以理解传统意义上的不道德the intentional violation of these accepted principles of right and wrong.被认为是不道德的事情通常被认为是严重或公然违反社会上公认的行为或行为的行为。例如,谋杀被社会和个人视为不道德行为。想象道德作为信标或社会的公认行为和行为的指标,以及每个人都根据其个人或精神信仰而受到的行为。
一个人的行为在他/她时的特征是不道德的不按照行为或标准规则行事管理特定角色或职业。A popular example of this is the different set of ethics or guidelines governing the medical and legal professions. Both doctors and lawyers are required to conduct themselves in a way that is accepted and right and not stray from adhering to such standards. Thus, a lawyer is bound by ethics to maintain the confidentiality of consultations held with his/her client. Similarly, a doctor is required to keep his/her patient’s medical history confidential.
Images Courtesy:医生和病人via Wikicommons (Public Domain)