千瓦是单位用来测量能力。以下stand the concept of power, one must first understand the concept of energy. Energy is a non-intuitive concept. The term “energy” is derived from the Greek word “energeia” which means operation or activity. In this sense, energy is the mechanism behind an activity. Energy is not a directly observable quantity. However, it can be calculated by measuring external properties. Energy can be found in many forms. Kinetic energy, thermal energy and potential energy are to name a few. Power is the rate energy generation or conversion. The units of power are joules per second. This unit is also known as watt. A unit of thousand watts is known as a kilowatt. Watt is the SI unit for measuring power. The symbol used to identify watt is W while the symbol for the kilowatt is KW. The unit watt is named in honor of the physicist James Watt who was a great contributor to the field of energy. Since wattage is the rate of power, the wattage multiplied by the time gives the energy. The unit kilowatt-hour is used in electricity, to identify energy.
马力是用于测量功率的单元。用来表示马力的术语是HP。最初创建了单元马力,以比较汽船和截骑兵的力量。即使SI系统是大多数国家 /地区的标准测量系统,马力仍然是汽车,电动机和许多其他机械设备中最常用的动力单元。马力的价值从735.5瓦到750瓦不等,具体取决于定义。汽车工程中马力最重要的定义之一是制动马力或必和必拓。制动马力是发动机的力量,没有变速箱和其他设备。其他形式的马力包括度量马力,PS,简历,锅炉HP,电气HP等。对于发动机,功率等于扭矩的乘积和发动机的频率乘以恒定的乘积,具体取决于所使用的单元。
马力和千瓦之间有什么区别? •Kilowatt是SI(度量)系统中使用的单元,而马力不是标准单元。 •马力不是定义明确的单元,但千瓦是一个定义明确的单元。 •马力具有多种形式,例如断路马力,公制马力,锅炉马力等。千瓦仅采用一种形式。 •单位马力广泛用于汽车行业,而千瓦广泛用于电气系统。 |