蠕虫更喜欢生活在食物,水分,氧气和有利温度的环境中。earth和堆肥蠕虫是属于门的两种分段蠕虫Annelida。earth和堆肥蠕虫都是红色的蠕虫。他们非常重要,因为分解器。尽管earth和堆肥蠕虫看起来相似,但它们是不同的。堆肥蠕虫适用于bin vermicomposting系统,而earth不适合它们。
4。Similarities Between Earthworms and Compost Worms
5。并排比较 - earth vs堆肥蠕虫表格形式
earth是在土壤中发现的一种重要的分段蠕虫。大约有3000种不同类型的earth。它们可以是微观的,也可以长几米。earth的颜色是红棕色。他们生活在地下,依靠死去的有机材料。earth使用其细分市场挖洞和移动土壤。因此,它们是土壤中非常好的分解剂,对土壤健康至关重要。此外,earth在土壤结构,水运动,养分动力学和植物生长中起着重要作用。它们也可以充气和排水。实际上,earth是土壤中非常重要的一部分,它们会加速营养的回收利用。 They transport nutrients from the underground to the surface of the soil. Not only that, but earthworms can also promote microbial activity in the soil. However, earthworms are not suited for bin vermicomposting systems.
堆肥蠕虫是一种害虫icomposting. compost worms help to convert kitchen and garden waste into useful compost. They are reddish-purple worms with segmented bodies. These worms prefer to live near the surface of the compost bin because they prefer to use new waste materials. They prefer wetter conditions and are keen to eat rotting organic materials. Hence, compost worms are very much suitable for bin or barrel composting. They are not suitable for garden compost piles.
这re are several varieties of compost worms. Compost worms aerate the soil and speed up the decomposition process. Red wiggler worms are the commonly used compost worms in vermicomposting. Moreover, tiger worms are another type of compost worms used in vermicomposting.
- earth和堆肥蠕虫是分割的分割蠕虫,它们作为分解剂很重要。
- 两种类型的蠕虫都能够分解废物。
- 它们通常是红色的。
- 他们通过皮肤呼吸。
Earthworms are a type of segmented worms which lives underground, while compost worms are a type of segmented worms which prefers to live near the surface. Thus, this is the key difference between earthworms and compost worms. Furthermore, earthworms are small as 1/4 inch in length to 6 inches or longer, whereas compost worms are small as 2 to 3 inches long. More importantly, earthworms are not suitable for bin vermicomposting systems, while compost worms are suitable for bin vermicomposting systems.
摘要 - earth vs堆肥蠕虫
Earthworms and compost worms are two types of segmented worms which are good decomposers of organic matter. However, earthworms are unsuitable for composting bins or barrels. Compost worms are very much suitable for bin and barrel composting. This is because earthworms move and burrow the soil and prefer to live underground. In contrast, compost worms prefer to live near the surface of the compost bin eating new materials. Thus, this summarizes the difference between earthworms and compost worms.
2.“自然资源保护服务”。earths |NRCS土壤,在这里可用。
1. Aruna在ML.Wikipedia的“ earth” - 用户从ML.Wikipedia转移:使用CommonShelper Sreejithk2000。(CC BY-SA 3.0)通过下议院维基梅迪亚
2. Rob Hille的“ Eisenia Foetida R.H.(8)” - 自己的作品(CC BY-SA 3.0)通过下议院维基梅迪亚
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