关键差异 - 毛细管电泳与凝胶电泳
电泳is a technique that is used to separate biomolecules based on the particle charge, particle size, and the particle shape. The migration of the molecule, known aselectrophoretic mobility,取决于所使用的聚合物/凝胶的类型,其孔径,提供的电压,运行时间和表面与体积比。根据所使用的生物分子类型,有不同类型的电泳技术。发明的第一类电泳是纸电泳,其中nitrocellulose纸被用作分离生物分子的培养基。后来发明了凝胶电泳原理,其中使用不同的孔径凝胶将生物分子分离。进一步修改了凝胶电泳技术以提高技术的准确性,其中一种修饰是毛细管电泳。毛细管电泳和凝胶电泳之间的关键区别在于使用标准孔径的聚合物凝胶在垂直或水平面进行凝胶电泳,而在带有聚合物液体或凝胶的毛细管中进行毛细管电泳。
1.Overview and Key Difference
3.What is Capillary Electrophoresis
5。Side by Side Comparison – Capillary Electrophoresis vs Gel Electrophoresis in Tabular Form
凝胶电泳是一种主要用于分离的技术核酸,蛋白质或amino acidsbased on its charge, size, and shape. This technique uses a physical gel, which is a polymer substance, as the separation medium. Most commonly utilized gels areAgarose(for nucleic acid separation) andPolyacrylamide(用于蛋白质分离)。凝胶电泳设备包含凝胶铸造托盘以准备凝胶,铸造梳子以准备井,缓冲罐,电极– positive (anode)和负(阴极) and the voltage supply unit. Molecules likeDNA or RNA带负电荷的,从阴极移动到阳极和分子,反之亦然。凝胶制备是根据要求进行的。如果需要高分辨率或分子分离,则应制备具有较小孔径的高浓度凝胶。染色技术后观察到在凝胶基质上分离的分子。分离的分子以凝胶基质上的频带的形式出现。

Gel electrophoresis is used in molecular diagnostics such as DNA fingerprinting to determine the presence of a particular DNA/RNA fragment or a protein. Gel electrophoresis also determines the purity of the extracted biomolecule sample. Gel electrophoresis is performed as a preliminary step for in andhybridization并作为测序后的确认性分析。
What is Capillary Electrophoresis?
Capillary electrophoresis is a modification of gel electrophoresis which uses the same principle of separation based on charge, size of the molecule, but is performed in a capillary tube with either a gel substance or a liquid polymer. Capillaries are prepared of fused silica, and each capillary tube has an internal diameter of 50-100μm and is 25-100cm in length. Samples are injected into the capillary tube containing the polymer material and are separated much rapidly than the conventional gel electrophoresis. The capillary system is well protected inside an insulator jacket which protects the sample from any contamination. Capillaries can be filled with liquid polymers such as hydroxyethyl cellulose or high-resolution gels such as polyacrylamide. Capillary electrophoresis provides greater resolution; hence separation is more accurate. Capillary electrophoresis uses an automated detector system via spectrophotometric analysis. This is due to the higher surface area to volume ratio.

Figure 02: Capillary Electrophoresis
Capillary electrophoresis is used in situations such as in forensics where higher accuracy is required and is not commonly used as it is costly technique.
What are the Similarities Between Capillary Electrophoresis and Gel Electrophoresis?
- 两种技术中分子的分离都是基于分子的电荷和大小。
- Both techniques can be used to separate both nucleic acids and proteins.
- The sample volume of the both techniques is the same.
- 两种技术都使用缓冲液来促进分离。
What is the Difference Between Capillary Electrophoresis and Gel Electrophoresis?
Capillary Electrophoresis vs Gel Electrophoresis |
毛细管电泳是一种使用液体或凝胶聚合物培养基在毛细管上分离的生物分子的技术。 | 凝胶电泳是一种使用聚合物凝胶培养基在垂直或水平面上分离的生物分子的技术。 |
分离 | |
在毛细管电泳中,在毛细管内进行分离。 | In gel electrophoresis, separation is done on a vertical or horizontal plane. |
Medium of Separation | |
诸如羟基乙基纤维素之类的液体聚合物用于毛细管电泳。 | Gels, either琼脂糖或聚丙烯酰胺,用作凝胶电泳中的培养基。 |
交叉连锁 | |
High resolution can be obtained from capillary electrophoresis. | 凝胶电泳的分辨率低。 |
表面积与体积比 | |
Surface to volume ratio is high in capillary electrophoresis. | Surface to volume ratio is low in gel electrophoresis. |
检测技术 | |
检测是通过光谱光度测量的奥特曼ated detectors in capillary electrophoresis. | Staining and observing through UV transilluminator are done as detection techniques in gel electrophoresis. |
摘要 - 毛细管电泳与凝胶电泳
You can download PDF version of this article and use it for offline purposes as per citation note. Please download PDF version here凝胶电泳和毛细管电泳之间的差异。
1. Durney,Brandon C.等。“应用于DNA的毛细血管电泳:确定和利用序列和结构以推进生物分析(2009- 2014年)。”分析和生物分析化学,施普林格柏林海德堡,2015年,Available here.2017年8月28日访问。
2. “Electrophoresis.” University of Leicester, 8 Jan. 2009,Available here。2017年8月28日访问。
3.“凝胶电泳。”可汗学院,Available here。2017年8月28日访问。
Image Courtesy:
1. “DNA Agarose gel electrophoresis” By School of Natural Resources from Ann Arbor – DNA lab(CC由2.0)viaCommons Wikimedia
2. “Capillary Gel Electrophoresis Instrument Schematic” By Chem4066sp13 – Own work(CC BY-SA 3.0)viaCommons Wikimedia