恐惧症是社会中的普遍状况。不同的人拥有不同类型的phobias。Hence, it is important to identify such phobic conditions and use therapeutic sessions to overcome these conditions completely. Systemic desensitization and exposure therapy are two types of therapies that assist in overcoming phobic conditions.
3。What is Exposure Therapy
4。Similarities – Systematic Desensitization and Exposure Therapy
5。系统脱敏与暴露疗法in Tabular Form
6.摘要 - 系统脱敏与暴露疗法
系统性脱敏是一种基于证据的技术,该技术用于治疗患有不同类型恐惧症的个体。该技术使用一种逐渐的曝光方法来克服恐惧症的速度非常缓慢。因此,这种治疗方法很耗时,但提供了有效的结果。系统性脱敏也称为渐变暴露疗法。治疗方法始于最少的恐惧暴露,并逐渐通过恐惧水平移动到最后阶段。系统性脱敏涉及三个主要步骤。首先,心理学家will allow the individual to follow muscle relaxation techniques. Then the individual is asked to note down a list of fears and rank them from lowest to the highest according to the intensity level of fear. Finally, the psychologist will expose the individual to phobias as a list, starting from the least fearful exposure. The final stage of therapy is done in two ways:in vitro曝光和in vivo暴露。
期间in vivo暴露,个人经历了真正的恐惧刺激暴露。期间in vitro暴露,个人经历了想象中的恐惧刺激暴露。In vitro由于该技术依赖于个人生动地想象恐惧状况的能力,因此暴露量具有实际的局限性。系统性脱敏是一个缓慢的过程。为了获得有利的结果,将需要6-8次会议。当治疗持续时间更长时,该方法的预期结果较高。全身性脱敏允许在治疗过程中采用受控方法。因此,由于缺乏干扰元素,它避免了个人对个人的忽视。
Exposure therapy is a form of rapid psychological treatment that assists individuals in confronting their fears. When a person is in fear of something in life, one should always try to avoid that particular fear. This could be a fear of objects, activities, people, or situations. This condition of avoiding helps the person to overcome the feelings of fear only for a short period. This could become worse over a long period and can cause severe精神错乱。因此,心理学家建议对此类人进行暴露疗法。对于患有恐慌症,恐惧症,社交焦虑症,强迫症,,,,创伤后应激障碍,,,,and generalized anxiety disorder.
暴露理论中的治疗方法各不相同。心理学家将在进行暴露疗法时确定最佳的战略治疗选择。这包括in vivoexposure (directly facing the feared instance, object, or activity in real life), imagine exposure (vividly imagining the fear), virtual reality exposure (using technology to conduct in vivo exposure), and interoceptive exposure (intentionally bringing on feared physical sensations that are harmless). All these methods are placed under different ways such as graded exposure, flooding, systemic desensitization, prolonged exposure, and exposure and response prevention. Exposure therapy finally helps in different ways, such as habituation, extinction, self-efficacy, and emotional processing. The only limitation of this treatment method is the short supply of well-trained specialists to conduct. Hence, this method is not used as a regular treatment method.
What are the Similarities Between Systematic Desensitization and Exposure Therapy?
- 两种治疗学都与心理疾病有关。
- 此外,根据情况,它们是非常定制的。
- 两种方法通常都无法预测。
- 这些方法处理个体的恐惧症。
- 两种治疗方法都需要训练有素的植物学家或治疗师。
- 在这两种疗法中,个人要么会想象恐惧症的状况,要么实际面对恐惧症。
下面的图表展示了不同选择ween systematic desensitization and exposure therapy in tabular form for side by side comparison.
摘要 - 系统脱敏与暴露疗法
Phobias are common mental conditions seen in many individuals. Systemic desensitization and exposure therapy are two different therapeutic procedures well-trained psychologists and therapists use to treat phobic conditions. Systemic desensitization is an evidence-based slow technique, while exposure therapy is a rapid process. Both processes consist of different limitations and advantages. During both therapies, the individual will either imagine the phobic situation or actually get exposed to the phobic situation. Out of the two types of therapies, the systemic desensitization technique is used more commonly. So, this summarizes the difference between systematic desensitization and exposure therapy.
1. Gupta,S。”什么是暴露疗法?”心灵很好。
2. McLeod,S。”系统脱敏作为反调节过程”只是心理学。
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