马克思主义vs Socialism
Difference between Marxism and Socialism may be a bit difficult to understand to some. However, remember, that Marxism and Socialism are two systems. So, one can say that Marxism and Socialism are two kinds of systems that are to be understood as different when it comes to their concepts and ideologies. Marxism is more theoretical in nature whereas Socialism is more practical in nature. This is one of the main differences between Marxism and Socialism. Marxism has paved way for different ideologies such as列宁主义and毛主义。马克思主义说出无产阶级革命如何改变社会结构。社会主义说的是一种对所有人公平的经济。
What is Marxism?
马克思主义is political in its concepts, though all these concepts are based on the way an economy in a state acts. Marxism aims at bringing about a kind of equanimity between the rich and the poor by implementing the ideologies based on history. Building equality between rich and poor is essential in a society where Marxism can take place because the bourgeoisie exploits the workers. It is indeed true that history forms the basis of Marxism put forward by Karl Marx. If his principles or ideas are carried out in a practical way, then Marxism leads to共产主义。另一方面,马克思主义具有其意识形态,基于对穷人的隆升的思想以及授予他们与富人相提并论的地位的思想。
What is the difference between Marxism and Socialism?
• Marxism is pure revolution. Socialism has equal proportions of revolution as well as reformations.
These are the differences between Marxism and Socialism.
Images Courtesy:Karl Marx and Friedrich Engelsand查尔斯·傅立叶(Charles Fourier),有影响力的早期法国社会主义思想家via Wikicommons (Public Domain)
practical in nature. This is one of the main differences between Marxism
听起来您有反转 - 马克思主义假设现有的状态是资本主义,因此需要做一些事情来启动系统。对我来说听起来很实用。社会主义假设该系统已经存在(这是实用的吗?您是说它一直存在于给定的社会中吗?),因此,您的解释听起来更理论。
“• Another difference between Marxism and Socialism is that Marxism is
Aren’t politics and economics inextricably linked? Isn’t politics the process by which decisions regarding the allocation and use of resources are made, by legislation, persuasion, and execution? Your distinction between Socialism and Communism sounds like a circular argument: how does a socialist society exist unless some decision was made to institute and maintain it?
杰克·艾莉亚(Jake Arya)says
马克思主义是一个犹太主义曲解,ccordingly led to the opposite of a free state. Get over it. The Germans got it right and have been demonized ever since.
Murder and oppression? Yeaah Right.
J Steffeysays
This is a great article and much missed in contemporary narrative on these differences. The pro-communists, pro-Marxists of today I think are blinded by the false ‘capitalism or communism’ dichotomy propagated in mainstream media, to see how flawed Marxism is from its CORE, and how subsequently antithetical communist ideology is to real socialism.
克里斯蒂·霍奇基斯(Christy Hotchkiss)says
Many places for discussion here…..Capitalist societies have reached many a critical areas especially involving local and nationwide economies as well as the overburdened working class..America’s real working class continually struggles just for simple existences all the while the affluent acquire more INFLUENCE, POWER and WEALTH…..how many people truly understand 30,000 a year is very tough to exist on in America in these times?