Herbivores vs Carnivores
The difference between Herbivores and Carnivores is in the way that these organisms gain their energy and how they consume energy.The terms herbivores and carnivores are common to all living beings based on what they consume. Apart from these two categories, there also existsomnivoreswho consume both meats and legumes.
What are Herbivores?
Herbivores are living organisms that consume only plants. These can be leafy plants as well as fruits and seeds. Such animals have different teeth, customized to eat plants. These are broad and flat with dull edges so that these animals can grind up the plants easily and consume them without hassle. Such animals also have blunt and flat hooves that they use to travel on mushy and soft terrain.
What are Carnivores?
食肉动物are animals and plants that only consume meat. They hunt down other animals and eat their flesh while some prefer devouring them whole. Carnivores have very sharp teeth that they use to tear through skin and meat with ease. They also have very sharp claws, since this helps them latch on to their prey and also to take the carcasses apart.
There are some carnivorous plants as well which are known asinsectivorous plantsas they consume insects. One such plant is the Venus flytrap.
What is the difference between Herbivores and Carnivores?
Herbivores and carnivores are quite different from one another, but they both refer to animals and what they consume in order to create energy that is required for their survival. They are both important categories of animals that help maintain balance in nature.
• Herbivores only eat plants. Carnivores consume meats too.
• Herbivores are usually not so fast and agile whereas carnivores have to be very fast in order to catch their prey.
• Herbivores and carnivores have different body structures that comply with their lifestyles and what they consume.
Image Attribution:
1.Herbivore Co-ExistencebyBrett and Sue Coulstock(CC BY 2.0)
2.Resting Sumatran Tiger CubbySteve Wilson(CC BY 2.0)
3.食肉动物PlantsbyRandy Robertson(CC BY 2.0)
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