心vs Mind
It is our mind that tells us how to stay away from pain and dangerous situations. It is one organ that has been helping humans to get away from situations that can be harmful for them. Again, it is our mind that tells us how to derive pleasure, and we indulge in activities that are pleasurable to us.
According to science, heart is a major organ inside our body that is responsible for pumping blood inside all parts of our bodies. We live as long as our heart gets oxygen, and it continues to pump blood, but if we go by literature, heart has been assigned an altogether different role, and that is to control our feelings and emotions. Though this is not the fact, and we think and feel on the basis of what our brain perceives. Nevertheless, for artists and poets, it is the heart that governs our feelings and we take decisions on the basis of what our heart says, especially when it comes to human relationships.
心之间的区别是什么nd Mind?
• According to science, heart is an important organ that pumps blood to all important organs of our body and keeps us alive. Mind, or the brain, is another important organ that is where thinking originates.
• Heart governs our mind when we are in love while, in all other life situations, it is the mind that takes precedence over heart.
This is something I agree on completely.
you could even go as far as giving evidence to the two differing organs as being completely different on emotional and intellectual basis. Take someone suffering from depression for example. And this is where I think one could contest a part of the above discussion. Depression as we are all aware in a psychological field, brings our thoughts down. it pulls our mind into this state of emptiness, of incomplete, of hate firstly to others then to ourselves. this is where my theory takes place. the mid and the heart are at constant war with each other. They aren’t just separate organs but two entirely different living, thinking beings. Our heart controls our emotions yes, but our mind twists them to what we want to see, or in the case of depression, what the illness wants us to believe. Take this for example. One is self harming, she thinks she is fat, she thinks she isn’t going to make it to the age of 18. The Depression is clearly literally killing her. she looses blood every day. Her mind is twisted, corrupt you could suggest. What if we were to say that theoretically our sole is us. our spiritual self. We can choose to live in the heart (those who are always kind, generous, accepting of everything) and those who live in the mind, (questions everything based on science, maths, physics the people you just don’t socialise with well.) Our human race is hardwired to find the easiest way to do things, the easiest way to live. Everyone knows it, and should admit it. We don’t like hard work, the real dirty stuff, who works as a miner who actually shovels out the dirt themselves? we look for the easiest way. Depression Warps our mind into thinking the worst of ourselves. Why does one commit suicide? “He had a hard life, he fought for many years” “he was bullied, he couldn’t go on”. They let their sole take the side of the corrupted mind. They let their twisted thoughts get them. To a point where they could not be saved. after the bullet, after the pills have been swallowed, after the jump. This is a note for psychologists. Get Away from the science! I’m not saying you have to incorporate God. But get out of the mind and into the heart, or step back and truly observe both the heart and mind of your patients, your clients. Yes, sure get to know them. But what is our job really to just diagnose them, send them to a psychiatrist to get some medication and hope the medication works?
不!在大多数情况下,药物不起作用。Science involves the mind. The mind is the issue. If anything we need to transfer our mentality, our soul, Our self into the heart. the other being. Get to know them as a person. Then get to know them through their mind. What are they saying? I hate myself” I want it to end” very common, But so misguided. This is where I comeback to support the above. The mind and the heart are to separate emotional thinkers. after a week, or two, however long you need to find out their mindset. what they are capable of doing when letting the illness get them. then Really dig into the heart. start of with what they enjoy. and then don’t just discuss their activities, the things they like, FIND OUT THE DREAMS, Their aspirations! 9/10 of the time their heart is so full of hope, so full of adventure and dreams that in all honesty they do not want to end it. Of course if they’re in the mind state still, they will find the easiest way to deal with the stress, the pain. Give them time to really delve into their heart, they need to let out they’re heart not just the mind. Give them a way to achieve their goals, and not just you know, “you can achieve these goals by doing this, or by doing better at school etc.” NO. in what world would school, a place where you are being told what to do, what to wear, how to structure their day with no freedom, a way to help their hearts fight this war against the mind. If you as a psychologist needs to delve away from the normal calming tone to a more presenting ideas tone. this might work better. Make them know of this theory. that their heart, and mind are two complete separate things. because when they know it, they can say ok yes I want to achieve this. but my minds going to stop me from this. how will I combat that. what will I do when it does. Most teens going through depression want to get away from their families, there is no need to hide that. The answer for that is give them the path to travel. Show them that they can take charge of their mind. give them the way to fight it using the heart. this is all I will say on the matter as i’m going to get off topic. but yes The heart and mind are no doubt in numerous ways both theoretical, physical and psychological. It is amazing how the war is fought. Please guys to save our generation. Get into the heart. they will be able to, help them access their heart to fight the war.
Absolutely! The heart is the super regulator. “As a man thinks in his heart so is he”