浸信会vs Southern Baptist
The main Baptist belief is that only those who have professed their faith inChrist应该baptized。The浸信会Churchgoverns the individual churches, whereas the Southern Baptist Church does not govern the individual churches. At the same time, the Baptist holds to the autonomy of the local church. They do this through the system of seminaries. The Sunday School Board is one of the most influential boards of the Baptists.
另一方面,浸信会相信一种被称为索拉·圣经的理论。根据这个理论,圣经是唯一的信仰规则。实际上,据说圣经没有教这个dogma。浸信会s do believe that the word of God is limited to the圣经。The Baptists teach predestination. Moreover, Baptists look upon communion and allsacramentsas symbolic. They do not look upon the communion and all sacraments as actual means of grace, whereas it has been a tradition among the other groups that they are looked upon as the actual means of grace.
Who is a Southern Baptist?
有趣的是,南部浸信会是浸信会教堂的宗派或惯例。南方浸信会相信salvation,他说,救赎只能通过上帝的恩典来实现。他们说救恩可以独自一人来自基督。他们也相信三位一体。他们分享了27本书New Testament。
是相关的,南方浸信会教徒came after a Protestant split from the Church way back in the 1500s. Hence, they belong to a denomination, unlike the Baptists.
On the other hand, the Southern Baptists do not declare that the word of God is limited to the Bible. It is interesting to note that both the Baptists and the Southern Baptists say that adult baptism should be done by immersion. At the same time, while the Baptists do not believe in free will, the Southern Baptists believe in free will. This is one of the main differences between the two religious groups.
Predestination is accepted by both groups but at different levels. In other words, the theory of predestination is not wholeheartedly supported by the Southern Baptists. According to the Southern Baptist, the scriptures are the sole authority. In fact, it can be said that there is no authority beyond the scriptures. The real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is not accepted by the Southern Baptist. One highly observed fact about the Southern Baptists is that they live exemplary Christian lives. They are said to live with zeal, and they do their best to preach the Gospel in the say they understand it.
What is the difference between Baptist and Southern Baptist?
• Faith in Jesus:
• Baptists do not insist that everyone should accept Christ to be saved.
• Southern Baptists directly say that people should believe in Christ or should face an eternity in Hell.
• Free Will:
• Baptists do not believe in free will.
• Southern Baptists believe in free will.
• Predestination:
• Predestination is accepted by both groups but at different levels.
• In other words, the theory of predestination is not wholeheartedly supported by the Southern Baptists whereas the Baptists teach predestination.
• Southern Baptists only allow men to be ordained.
• Baptists are open towards the idea of same sex couples.
• Southern Baptists are strongly against the idea of same sex couples.
• Baptists do not demand the religion to have powers separate from the state.
• Southern Baptists demand that the church should be a completely separate entity from the state.
These are the main differences between Baptist and Southern Baptist.
Images Courtesy:
- First Baptist Church 253 Lawrence Street in Methuen, Massachusettsvia Wikicommons (Public Domain)
- Chinese Southern Baptist Church经过Joe Mabel((CC BY-SA 3.0)
南部浸信会从1845年就奴隶制的问题分开了(美国浸信会决定奴隶持有人也不是传教士,而且由于南方的许多人持有奴隶……多年来,美国浸信会实际上被称为称为Northern Baptists at least within the Southern Baptists. Yes, I’m a Southern Baptist. There are actually quite a few different Baptist denominations – Missionary Baptists, Hard Shell Baptists – the list is long. All believe that baptism should come only when a person understands their need for a relationship with Christ – I personally was ten when my conversion occurred. Some are older, some are younger. And we all immerse.
Jodi Woods说
我在一个独立的基本浸信会教堂中长大,从5岁开始就被教导,如果不接受耶稣作为您的救主,您就会下地狱。您将在哪里燃烧,以实现永恒。至于预期,您有自由将接受耶稣作为您的救主或不接受。但是上帝知道所有人,知道你的决定将是什么。我们还被教导说,一旦您真正得救,您将永远被保存。我们不是完美的,我们犯罪,没有上帝的荣耀,但我们所能做的就是祈祷寻求宽恕。没有义人,我们都应该得到地狱。但是耶稣在我们出生之前就爱我们,因为他为我们的所有罪而死在十字架上。我们必须尽力每天为耶稣生活。但是我们都犯了罪。 Thank GOD he loved and still loves us.
约翰·格罗弗(John Grover)说
约翰·格罗弗(John Grover)说
WE also believe in one true word of God, The KJV
Luis Bruno说
Mr. Grover, I invite you to please research the history of the KJV in light of your implied comments that the KJV is the ‘one true word of God’. I would also ask you to logically answer these two questions:
1. Can you read the original 1611 KJV?
Unfortunately, while there is inherently nothing wrong with the KJV, it is not extracted directly from the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts as other translations are, there is nothing to prove that the KJV is what you claim it is.
What about the word Easter in the KJV? It should have been Passover. God does not
approve of man made holidays. Easter is from the word Ishtar, totally pagan.
I’m would like to address the two points you mentioned concerning the KJV.
#1。如果一个人能够或不能阅读原始的1611 KJV,那是什么意义?熟悉其写作的原始方式与其合法性或缺乏的合法性无关,也没有任何个人优先主张的合法性。
It wasn’t until the 1500’s that people were able to hold a copy of the scriptures for themselves due to the pivotal work of William Tyndale, who translated the NT from the original Greek & a large portion of the OT from the original Hebrew. It would seem that it has been largely forgotten that the content of the KJV is primarily the work of William Tyndale. I would refer you to a book by Steven J. Lawson “The Daring Mission of William Tyndale”. There is a wealth of information on the significance of what Tyndale did. Because of this it can rightly be concluded that the KJV is a translation of the original Greek and Hebrew.
John D Bright说
如果我们相信三位一体的上帝,父亲,年代on and Holy Ghost. And that God sent His Son to die in the cross, and only thru Him we can be saved and He rose rrom the dead on the third day. And if we except and believe in this in our hearts and confess this outwardly we are saved. In this we are all brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ who is the same as our Farther. It doesn’t matter what church you go to and even in the second smaller items that are different between the churches. Thanks n Revelation God has a concern with each of the different church’s, the second great commitment is love thou neighbor. And as diciples of Jesus Christ we go out and speak the good news of Jesus Christ. Not to put each other down . Giving all thanks for everything. Have a blessed day. Diciple of Jesus Christ from Idlewild Baptist Church of the Springs.
Terry Brennan说
我目前正在写一篇关于1845年奴隶制问题的分裂和 /或划分的论文。我的论文或主题是,它在浸信会中造成了永无止境的鸿沟。它驱使一个人进入更保守的信仰,而另一个则是一个更加自由的道路,而这种内斗仍在今天继续。谢谢大家确认我的话题。
Avery H.说
Having been in both Independent Baptist and Southern Baptist churches over the course of almost 50 years, I find that what was written in this article appears to be laden with a great deal of ignorance. I agree with you that there needs to be some verifiable references to the claims made about Baptists. The majority of my time has been spent in strictly Baptist churches as well as time spent in a Baptist college that my church, as well as dozens of others, were associated with. I have never come across any Baptist churches, nor have I heard of any, that could be described with the terms he has laid out. I’m not saying that there isn’t one that could, but the claim is that this is a broad view held by Baptists as a whole, and that just isn’t true.
Avery, glad you are doing research. Please don’t use this poorly written article as a source. There is no ‘one size fits all’ doctrine on this issue among Baptists. I would speculate that most Baptists do not support homosexual behavior or same sex marriage, because of a conservative view of Bible teaching. But there are likely many Baptists who would disagree.
Both sides have written plenty on the subject however.
凯文·科克森(Kevin G Coxen)说
First Baptist looks like people in a courtroom, Southern Baptist looks like the people in jail.
Elizabeth Potter说
You still have the choice in what denomination you wish to join. God wants you to worship Him. God loves you and wants you to love Him. That is simple worship.
Lee Saunders说
Within the greater Baptist family, there are Calvinists, Non-Calvinists, Congregationalists, Fundamentalists, Charismatics, and differences of opinion on general or limited atonement, free-will or predestination, and there are preterists, futurists, dispensationalists, premillenial, post-millennial, and amillenial. The Southern Baptist convention holds no official binding doctrinal position on its independent, non-denominational churches.
There are something like 20 different Baptist denominations, the largest being the Southern Baptist Convention with about 16 million members worldwide. About a third of all Baptist churches are independent and do not belong to any denomination.
Why are ministers or decons not allowed to be women. Why are ministers and deacons kicked out of church if they have affairs,