Thekey differencebetween leprosy and leucodermais that leprosy is a skin condition that causes disfiguring skin sores on the skin due toinfectionbyMycobacterium leprae,leucoderma是一种皮肤状况,由于皮肤色素沉着的部分或完全丧失,会导致皮肤上的白色斑块。
Generally, skin disorders vary greatly in symptoms and severity. They can be temporary or permanent. Moreover, these skin disorders may be painless or painful. Many skin disorders have situational causes. But some have genetic predispositions. While most skin disorders are minor, others can indicate a more serious issue in the body. Leprosy and leucoderma are two different types of skin disorders.
1.Overview and Key Difference
3.What is Leucoderma
4.相似之处 - 麻风病和白血病
5.麻风vs Leucoderma in Tabular Form
6。摘要 - 麻风病与白血病
麻风is a skin condition that causes disfiguring skin sores on the skin due to infection byMycobacterium leprae。It is also known asHansen’s disease (HD).除皮肤疮以外,这种感染还会导致nerves,呼吸道和眼睛。神经损伤可能导致缺乏感到疼痛的能力,这最终会导致一再受伤因肢体(肢体或身体附属物)的部分损失。如果只有近距离接触并反复与麻风病人的鼻子和嘴巴接触,人们就可以抓住麻风病。儿童比成年人更有可能变得麻风病。
麻风is defined by the number and type of skin sore people have. Therefore, there are three forms of leprosy: tuberculoid, lepromatous, and borderline.Tuberculoid是一种不太严重的形式。结核性形式的特征是只有一个或几个平坦的浅色皮肤。Lepromatousis a more severe form. It brings widespread skin bumps, rashes, numbness, and muscle weakness. Meanwhile, people with边缘form have symptoms of both tuberculoid and lepromatous forms. Leprosy can be diagnosed with skin slit smear, lepromin test, skin biopsy, andM. LepraeDNA PCR. Furthermore, first-line antibiotics for the treatment of leprosy are dapsone, rifampicin, and clofazimine. Other drugs include ofloxacin, moxifloxacin, minocycline, clarithromycin, rifapentine, and diarylquinolone. In addition to the above treatment options, the BCG vaccine also works againstM. Leprae。
What is Leucoderma (Vitiligo)?
Leucoderma is a skin condition that causes white patches on the skin due to partial or complete loss of skin pigmentation. It is also known asvitiligo。有两种类型的白血病:非段和分段。非段性白细胞表的特征是在身体的两半中出现白色斑块,它们在它们出现的区域通常是对称的。节段性叶胚层的特征是限于一个片段或一半身体的白色斑块。
The symptoms of leucoderma include depigmentation of skin areas exposed to the sun, itching of white patches when exposed to sun or in excessive sweating, premature greying of hairs, changing of retina colour, etc. Leucoderma is mainly due to autoimmune diseases. The other causes of this condition may include genetics, infections (viral or bacterial), occupation (exposure to some chemicals), and neurogenic factors. Furthermore, leucoderma can be diagnosed through physical examination, skin biopsy, or blood tests. Treatment options for leucoderma include medications (pimecrolimus and tacrolimus), light therapy, and skin grafts.
What are the Similarities Between Leprosy and Leucoderma?
- 麻风病和白肉皮是两种不同类型的皮肤疾病。
- In both medical conditions, skin sores are pale in colour.
- Diagnosis of both medical conditions can be made through physical examination.
- They can be treated with medications.
麻风is a skin condition that causes disfiguring skin sores on the skin due to infection byMycobacterium leprae,leucoderma是一种皮肤状况,由于皮肤色素沉着的部分或完全丧失,会导致皮肤上的白色斑块。Thus, this is the key difference between leprosy and leucoderma. Furthermore, leprosy is divided into three types as tuberculoid, lepromatous, and borderline, while leucoderma is divided into two types as non-segmental and segmental.
下面的图表展示了不同选择ween leprosy and leucoderma in tabular form for side by side comparison。
摘要 - 麻风病与白血病
麻风病和白肉皮是两种不同类型的皮肤疾病。麻风causes disfiguring skin sores on the skin due to infection byMycobacterium leprae,而白细胞病由于皮肤色素沉着的部分或完全丧失而导致皮肤上的白色斑块。因此,这是麻风病和leucoderma之间的关键区别。
1. Darvin Scott Smith,医学博士。“麻风。”emedicine |Medscape。
2. “Leukoderma。”An Overview | ScienceDirect Topics.
Image Courtesy:
1.“”Multibacillary leprosy lesion“ 经过疾病控制中心(美国)– (CC0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Depigmentation of the skin from repeated episodes of skin inflammation associated with the death of microfilariae。”By社区眼睛的健康(CC BY-NC 2.0)via Flickr