要了解蒸气压力,需要对压力概念有清晰的理解。压力定义为沿垂直于物体的方向施加的每单位区域的力。静态流体的压力等于测量压力上方的流体柱的重量。因此,静态(非流动)流体的压力仅取决于流体的密度,重力加速度,大气压力和液体高度的高度,测量了压力。压力也可以定义为粒子碰撞所施加的力。从这个意义上讲,可以使用气体和气体方程的分子动力学理论来计算压力。蒸气压是系统中蒸气施加的压力,该系统处于平衡状态,或蒸气施加的压力。当气体状态和蒸气的液态或冷凝状态在封闭的系统中相互接触时,系统处于平衡状态。液体通过热量蒸发。因此,系统的温度是液体汽化的测量。 The temperature is also a measurement of the amount of vapor molecules a system can accommodate without forcing condensation. There are two types of vapor pressures. They are namely saturated vapor pressure and unsaturated vapor pressure. When a closed system has both the vapor and the corresponding liquid in equilibrium, the system accommodates the highest amount of vapor possible. Therefore, the system is said to be saturated. When a system has only the vapor present, it is said to be an unsaturated system, and any liquid added, until the saturation point, will evaporate. It must be noted that the saturated vapor pressure of a system only depends on the temperature of the system and the substance itself.
Partial Pressure
蒸气压和部分压之间有什么区别? •系统的蒸气压是系统中蒸气施加的压力的形式,该蒸气以Pascal测量。 •系统的部分压是所考虑的气体与系统总压力所施加的压力之比。 •部分压是一个无量纲值,它向总压力投射了贡献。 |
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