Reform vs Revolution
The difference between Reform and revolution stems from the methods they use to achieve the results they desire. History bears evidence to various reforms and revolutions that have taken place world over. These have been the means of making changes within the power structure of asociety。A reform can be viewed as an instance where changes have been made to the existing power structure. It does not completely overthrow agovernmentbut works within the power structure. On the other hand, a revolution completely rejects the prevailing power structure for a new one. It disrupts the existing status quo by adopting drastic measures. TheFrench revolution可以作为一个例子。与革命不同,改革的节奏相当低。它只会带来适度的变化。这突出了改革和革命彼此不同。通过本文让我们研究改革与革命之间的差异。
What is a Reform?
Reform can be simply defined asimproving by making changes in the existing conditions。This includes modification made inlaws,实践,policies, etc. without completely overthrowing a government. Reforms usually do not involve creating drastic changes. In a reform, the power structure of a country remains the same even though modifications are made. These modifications are made with the aim of creating more stability. Reforms can be brought with the intention of eradicating pressing social issues such aspoverty, homelessness, drug usage, etc. While some reforms can bring about positive changes in a society, others remain ineffective or even worsen the situation.

Great Reform Act in 1832
During the later part of the 18th century, when Industrialization was very high in England, the working conditions of the common man were very low. The number of hours that people had to work was excessive, which resulted in poor health conditions. The reforms that came about during this period, which restricted the number of working hours and improved the working conditions of the people, can be considered as an instance where reforms were effective and had a positive impact on the people.
What is a Revolution?
Revolution can be defined asthe overthrow of a government by force, in favor of a new system。与改革不同,这包括做出巨大的改变。另外,一场革命完全覆盖了现行的功率结构。它不会以适度的速度运作,也不和平。一场革命致力于破坏现状。
The French revolution in 1789 can be considered as an example of a revolution. During this period, people were fed up of the existing power structure and of the insurmountable taxation, which led people to the overthrow of the power structure.
What is the difference between Reform and Revolution?
• Definition of Reform and Revolution
• A reform can be viewed as an instance where changes have been made to the existing power structure in order to improve it.
• In reform, changes are, usually, not drastic and can be reversed.
• In revolution, the changes are always radical.
• Intentions
• A reform works towards the stability of the existing order and has the intention of eradicating pressing social issues and bringing positive changes in society.
• A revolution works against the existing order with the intention of bringing a total change in the structure.
• Effect on the Power Structure
• A reform does not disrupt the existing status quo though changes are made.
• A revolution disrupts the existing status quo by adopting drastic measures.
• Reform has a positive connotation.
• Revolutions carry a negative connotation as they are not peaceful, most of the time.
图像提供:Great Reform Act in 1832and巴士底钻的猛烈袭击通过Wikicommons(公共领域)