Prejudice vs Racism
Prejudices and Racism are two different terms between which a number of differences can be identified. These two words are mostly confused with each other by many people. In the world today, there exists a lot of prejudice and hatred among people. Prejudice can be understood as an opinion of another individual that holds nologic或推理。种族歧视,另一方面,是指discrimination of races, considering some as superior to others. This highlights that Prejudice and Racism cannot be considered as the same, even though there is a link between the two. This article attempts to highlight the differences between the two terms, by providing an understanding of both terms.
What is Prejudice?
Prejudice isa judgment formed by a person irrespective of getting theknowledgeof thetruthandfacts. Prejudice is a negative factor in our society which resides for a very long time. Bringing people together was a target in the past. However, factors such asdiscriminationand prejudice are tearing people apart, and people avoid or end a number of relationships only because they support prejudice. Prejudice serves as a factor of integration that is acquired by a person by negative emotions that include hating someone or fearing someone.
Prejudice is a phenomenon seen in various different conditions. Prejudice might sometimes lead to such negative issues that might result in the destruction and chaos all over the world. The phenomenon of Prejudice is being kept in minds of people both at small and large scales. The word is mostly used talk about a premature judgment about some person or group based onreligion,professionor any other feature associated with that person or group.
Prejudice can be an opinion of a human mind which is not affecting some human being in any way. Prejudice is also a premature thought, but that is mostly associated with an individual only. Also, prejudice does not pose any threat to someone while racism might involve violence and threat to a group of people belonging to specific race. Prejudice is a phenomenon of thoughts that are being carried out in the mind of a person. Prejudice is not used to talk about some issue being faced by the society.
What is Racism?
Racism is another phenomenon that probably has its roots from prejudice.Racism involves relating something to a person that is not actually a part of that person’s life. Mostly, this occurs to a person basically due to the race to which he belongs. Racism promotes that one particular race is better and superior in nature in comparison to another. Racism is one of the factors that have been used in the past to promote hate or love for someone. Racism can be considered as a branch of the prejudice.
Racism is a word used when you are talking about prejudice related to a specific race. The major difference between prejudice and racism is that a person can be prejudice even if he is not a racist but a person can’t be referred to as racist if he is not prejudiced. Racism is a phenomenon whose results can be dangerous for other people. Being a racist can also result in promoting problems in a society. Racism is based on a decision that is mostly premature and is based on the way a specific system is working in a country or a society. Racism is a set of thoughts that are generated by a number oflawsof that society; these may even be due to some treaty, tradition or custom of that area.
What is the Difference Between Prejudice and Racism?
- Prejudice is referred to as a conclusion drawn by anyone without judging the actions of a person or thing.
- Racism is based on a decision that is mostly premature and is based on the way a specific system is working in a country or a society.
- The major difference between prejudice and racism is that a person can be prejudice even if he is not a racist but a person can’t be referred to as racist if he is not prejudice.
Image Courtesy:
1. “Ganges1876”. Licensed under Public Domain viaWikimedia Commons
2.”Rock Against Racism 1978″ by Sarah Wyld [CC BY-SA 3.0], viaWikimedia Commons
very good comparasion!
Fucking retarded.
I disagree, prejudice is a generalized preconceived idea about a group without evidence and without consideration of individual characteristics and capabilities, (i.e. you are white therefore you are racist, you are black therefore you are lazy, you are Mexican therefore you are illegal, you are oriental therefore you are intelligent, you are blond therefore you are stupid, you are male therefore you are strong, you are female therefore you are not logical, we can go on and on and on and on ……
Racism is a hatred of a group of people based on the color of their skin, their ethnicity, their differences …. period. Racism and prejudice are not in any way shape or form the same.
Prejudice is ignorance, racism is hatred based on feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, jealousy, etc. of an individual who wants to blame others for the ills in his / her life.
This is so wrong LOL
The key element which is completely missed here is the power dynamic.
When a society is culturally, socially, economically, politically prejudiced/biased
in favour of one race and against all other races, that is racism.
This other blahblah is just sophistry.
Interesting discussion. Does it matter? Yes I think it does. One of the arguments that “colour racists” sometimes use to defend their position is by giving examples of how members of the racial group of a particular colour who are on the receiving end of their own racism can be equally racist towards them or other groups of a colour different from themselves e.g. blacks against whites. The defence argument of “those back Nigerians were racist to my mum, who happens to be white British, so it’s ok for me to be racist against them” is often cited. The question is whether we are talking about the same thing here? I would argue not. I would argue that the word racism when used to describe the actions or thoughts of black Nigerians against a white British person and other white British is usually prejudice NOT racism. However the person who hates and does things to avoid or harm ALL black Nigerians without any or little experience of dealing with/living with black Nigerians is racist.
Whereas the definition of the word “prejudiced” can be demarcated and separated out and may not be be totally irrational (a reasonable amount of evidence, experience involved), racism against someone based on a person’s colour is never defensible and is based on ignorance, irrationality and invariably has the aim of harming all people from a particular colour group. Racists do not simply walk on the other side of the street, they would like to see harm done to every member of that colour group. Indeed, racists would prefer to see the elimination of the colour group. Ethnic or colour cleansing. Genocide even, as took place in Australia when it was a British colony.
为了定义“偏见”的含义我们need to look at the context in which it is being used, why it is being used and the emotion that prejudicial words and actions produce both in the perpetrator and the victim. Let us first see if we can separate the word “prejudice” from the word “racism” or to see if they are interchangeable. Imagine two situations. Firstly you are walking down a road and a man of a certain colour or ethnicity comes towards you carrying a cricket bat and wearing cricket clothes. As he passes you by he hits you with the cricket bat. The next 8 men walking towards you also carry cricket bats, are wearing cricket clothes and they all hit you. However these next 8 men are a mixed bunch coming from widely different racial colour and ethnic backgrounds, some are white and some are black. You then see a tenth man coming towards you carrying a cricket bat. You pre-judge this man from your limited experience on the basis of what he is carrying and wearing and think, irrationally, that he and every other cricketer in the world will hit you with their cricket bat. On seeing the tenth man you are likely to run away or at the very least move to the other side of the road. Your wishing to avoid him has nothing to do with his colour or ethnicity. It is everything to do with your limited experience of cricketers. You go one go step further and refuse to let your daughter marry a cricketer and campaign to have the sport banned. We know, rationally, that the majority of cricketers hit cricket balls and not people. You know, rationally, that most cricketers, whatever their colour or ethnicity, are reasonable people. But you cannot stop thinking about the nine men with cricket bats who hit you and from that day forward you avoid cricketers and all men carrying cricket bats. You pre-judge them. You are prejudiced but you are NOT necessarily racist.
Let us switch to a different scenario. Nine black men walk pass you carrying cricket bats. None of them hit you. They smile and nod a good morning to you. You see a tenth black man coming towards you. You think, there are too many blacks in this country. You walk on the other side of the road to avoid him. Simply because he is black, and has a different ethnic background. Yes, you have met good and bad white men, good and bad black men. But you do not walk on the other side of the street when you see a white man coming towards you or 20 white men. This is colour racism and whilst it will invariably involve prejudice, it is racism not prejudice. You should be regarded as having ignorant, indefensible views. A racist is a person whose views cannot be understood because they are based on ignorance alone and what is more they can lead to the destruction of society and physical, emotional violence against a whole colour group in a society A colour group who are good citizens for the most part and do no harm to other citizens. Their only “crime” is that their ancestors may have been born in a different country..
为什么黑色的尼日利亚的态度white Brit prejudice and not racism? Black African countries have had many years experiencing situations in which white colonialists have given them inferior jobs, used words such as “sambo” or “nigger” to denigrate them and their culture. They have been hit by many men with cricket bats and al of them were white. The colour counts and goes with the cricket bat.
Not all white Brits will be like this and therefore it is not necessarily rational to think that the white Brit mother was like this. However enough whites have been like this towards black Africans and therefore the black Nigerians based their prejudice on a reasonable amount of evidence and bad experience. Not necessarily right but understandable.
The terms racism and prejudice are not interchangeable. You can be prejudiced without being racist and perhaps someone with misguided views. You will possibly be open to rational arguments to stop you being prejudiced. However colour racism invariably involves prejudice against that colour group in both thought and action. Racists are not open to rational argument to change their despicable views because their views are often based on ignorance which has been passed on by their parents or the community in which they have lived. They may be changed by living with or dealing with their chosen colour victims. But their racism is not supported by facts or evidence. It is born of twisted, often deeply ingrained, emotion.
I love this. If only more people would read this. Especially with current events. I would like to re-post this on social media with your permission.
This article is correct, but it didn’t go far enough to deal with how race and racism developed. The short answer is that race and racism was developed to justify enslavement of the African people and more to the point to just chattel slavery that developed in the colonization of what we call America currently.
“The origin of race and racism in the seventeenth century became a basis for categories of subordination and hegemony. Although today we are aware that the race myth is problematic the European colonists and slave traders of the 17th and 18th centuries were sure that there were genetic, and biological differences that constituted whites as superior beings to blacks. Thus, what whites were constructing was something more sinister than ritualistic racial bigotry; they created an oppressive systematic form of dehumanisation of Africans. One might claim that the leading opinion-makers, philosophers, and theologians of the European enslavers organised the category of blackness as property value. We Africans were, in effect, without soul, spirit, emotions, desires, and rights. Chattel could have neither mind nor spirit.”
Prejudice is an affective feeling towards a person or group member based solely on their group membership. The word is often used to refer to preconceived, usually unfavorable, feelings towards people or a person because of their sex, gender, beliefs, values, social class, age, disability, religion, sexuality, race/ethnicity, language, nationality, beauty, occupation, education, criminality, sport team affiliation or other personal characteristics.