气体是物质存在的状态。它has contradictory properties from solids and liquids. Gases do not have an order, and they occupy any given space. Individual gas particles are separated and have a great distance between them in a mixture of gas compared to a solution or a solid. Therefore, they don’t have strong intermolecular forces. Their behavior is greatly affected by variables such as temperature, pressure, etc. When a high pressure is applied, gases reduce the volume and when the pressure is released they expand and fill up the total space given. Atmosphere consists of various types and amount of gases. Some gases are diatomic (nitrogen, oxygen), and some are monoatomic (argon, helium). There are gases consisting of a single element (oxygen gas), and some have two more elements combined (carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide). Gases can be colorless or colorless. Normally a colored gas would appear colorless to our naked eye if they are distributed over a large volume. Some gases have a characteristic smell (hydrogen sulfide). Most of the time it is very difficult to recognize a gas if they don’t have a characteristic physical property. Scientists like Robert Boyle, Jacques Charles, John Dalton, Joseph Gay-Lussac and Amedeo Avogadro have studied about various physical properties of gases and their behaviors. We know of ideal gas and real gas laws that they have presented. Ideal gas is a theoretical concept which we use for our study purposes. For a gas to be ideal, they should have following characteristics. If one of these is missing, then the gas isn’t considered as an ideal gas.
pv = nrt = nkt
这是类似于气体的物质状态,但几乎没有差异。与气体类似,等离子体没有精确的形状或体积。它填满了给定的空间。区别在于,尽管它处于气体状态,但部分颗粒在等离子体中被离子化。因此,等离子体包含带电颗粒,例如正离子和负离子。该电离可以通过各种方法进行。一种方法是加热。此外,可以通过施加微波或激光等电磁辐射来产生血浆。这些辐射会导致键解离,从而产生带电的颗粒。由于有大量的电荷颗粒,因此血浆可以传导电力。 Because of the special characteristics stated above, plasma is considered to be a distinct state of matter separated from solid, liquid or gas.
What is the difference between Gas and Plasma? •与气体相比,血浆包含永久带电的颗粒。 •等离子体可以比气体更好地传导电力。 •由于血浆包含带电的颗粒,因此它们比气体对电场和磁场的反应更好。 |