人格和特征,在它们之间具有特定的区别,指的是两个不同的词。因此,即使相互关联,两个TEM,个性和特征也不能互换使用。在人格心理学上,心理学家对人的性格和人格的差异和独特性着迷。不仅心理学家,甚至外行人也从事各种社交场合中他人的个性。首先,让我们定义个性一词。个性是指有助于使个人与众不同的各种特征。这影响了个人的思想,行为和情感。简而言之,个性可以理解为我们是谁。个性由许多要素组成。这些可以看作是特征。 Traits refer to various characteristics of an individual that assist in creating a personality. This is the basic difference between a personality and a trait. This article attempts to clarify this difference.
What is Personality?
如上所述,个性包括影响我们情绪,思想和行为的各种特征和模式。This is usuallyunique to a person。例如,一个人的行为,反应,思考和感觉在特定情况下的方式可能与他人对同一情况的反应方式完全不同。这是由于人格的差异。
In Personality psychology, there are a number of theories about the human personality. Type theory, trait theory, humanistic theories, psychodynamic theories, behavioral theories are some such examples.

如前所述,个性是指使个人与众不同的整体特征。但是,特征不是指这个总体,而是指这些有助于创造个性的个人特征。例如,我们所有人都由各种特征组成sociable,,,,种类,脾气暴躁,挑衅的,,,,tough, etc. It is a combination of traits that make the personality. In personality psychology, one of the most well-known theories is the ‘五大。’ According to this theory, the personality is composed of five elements or else traits. They are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. Each trait plays a key role in the construction of the personality.
戈登·奥尔波特(Gordon Allport)还提出了一个特征理论。据他说,特征主要可以分为三个。他们是,

What is the difference between Personality and Traits?
• Personality refers to the various characteristics that contribute towards making an individual unique.
• 参考:
• Consistency:
• A personality remains consistent throughout the lifetime of an individual.
• 自然:
Images Courtesy:
- Looking in a mirrorvia Wikicommons (Public Domain)
- 聪明的via Pixabay (Public Domain)
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