Obama vs McCain
We all know who Barrack Hussein Obama is. He is the first black and 44th overall President of the US, and perhaps the most powerful man in the world at the moment. But, not all remember the Republican candidate Obama fought against to become the President. Obama defeated John McCain in 2008, and three years since then, it becomes important to recollect differences between the two personalities with presidential elections going to take place again 2012.
At first glance, the differences between Obama and McCain cannot be more obvious. McCain is white, while Obama is Black. McCain is 71, Obama is just 47. McCain is Republican, Obama is Democrat. But, these are differences for everyone to see, and probably do not make much of a difference as do their family backgrounds, religions, education, children, spouses, military careers, careers and political careers. What does make difference is their views and thinking on matters that are of vital importance to the country such as economy, foreign policy, nuclear disarmament, China policy, terrorism, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, homeland security, outsourcing, UN restructuring, unemployment, stimulus packages, social security, taxes, immigration, and so on. As the world, and the people of America saw and felt during the Presidential election campaign in 2008, the two candidates shared opinions on many issues, though there were stark differences between the two campaigners. Because an in depth differentiation would take many pages, here is a quick summary of the differences between the two Presidential candidates in 2008.
Tax cuts is what an average American is expecting all the time from their legislators, and it is in this respect that Obama and McCain have differing views, though both state the obvious that they would control spending and cut taxes. While Obama says he would propose tax cuts for 95% of income tax filers making less than $227000 per annum while raising taxes for those earning more than this, tax cuts proposed by McCain have the capacity to decrease government revenue by nearly $600 billion in the next 10 years (Obama’s proposals can increase revenue by $600 billion).
The views of Obama and McCain on judiciary are also differing. While Obama plans status quo, there can be wholesale changes in the judges of Supreme Court with three new nominations if McCain wins the election. McCain is for conservatism, whereas Obama is for more liberal outlook.
On the issue of voting rights, while Obama plans to bring millions of new voters into the net, McCain plans to limit voting rights of citizens.
医疗保健是一个燃烧的社会问题,造成了密苏里州st of bankruptcies in America. Obama has plans to bring most of the uninsured in the insured net, while McCain’s plan would have no effect on the number of uninsured. There is a clear cut attitude difference as Obama views healthcare as a right, whereas McCain views it as a responsibility.
Their views on invasion of Iraq are totally different with Obama planning as retreat from Iraq that he intends to complete by 2010. On the other hand, McCain proposes American presence in Iraq until full victory is achieved, even if victory takes another 100 years.
While both McCain and Obama plan to reduce dependence upon oil from foreign countries, the way they propose this is different. While Obama is a strong supporter of renewable energy, McCain is a supporter of nuclear energy.
Obama has had approval from veterans because of his favorable opinions on veterans, while McCain has fared abysmally on this account.
It is on the issue of internet access that the views of two Presidential candidates appear to be poles apart. Whereas Obama plans to keep internet free for all, McCain wants more private control over internet access.
What is the difference between Obama and McCain? • There are glaring differences in opinions of John McCain and Barrack Obama. • While McCain appears to be Hawkish, Obama appears to be a moderate. • Obama is black, while McCain is white. • Obama is younger than McCain. • Obama appears disciplined and laid back, whereas McCain appears accessible and spontaneous • Obama is in favor of renewable energy, while McCain favors nuclear energy |
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