管理会计and cost accounting are of great importance to any business, as both forms of accounting help in the decision making process when analyzing how best to allocate a company’s scarce resources. Cost accounting is a crucial part of management accounting and makes up a vital component in managing a firm’s costs and assets allocation. However, the purpose of the two forms of accounting is easily confused. This article aims to provide the reader a clear distinction between the two forms of accounting, along with explanations on which purposes they are used.
What is Management Accounting?
What is the difference between Management Accounting and Cost Accounting?
管理会计和成本会计essential to ensure the smooth running of the business through prudent decision making. Both management and cost accounting require inputs from various departments of the firm, but top managers, shareholders, and the company creditors use the output from cost accounting, whereas only personnel in management positions involved in the decisions making use management accounting information. While cost accounting focuses on analyzing and controlling the various expenditures that arise in a dynamic business setting, management accounting focuses on using the data for planning business projects, strategy formulation, budgetary control and target setting. Cost accounting is backward looking with a focus on the expenses incurred in the past, while management accounting is concerned with prediction for the use of future decision making.
简而言之, 费用会计与管理会计 •管理会计与决策,策略制定,计划和预算控制有关,而成本会计则涉及对成本的分析和评估,以减少效率低下并提高公司的整体生产率。 •管理会计的输出用于在最高级别的决策,而组织的许多内部和外部使用成本会计信息。 •成本会计是向后看的,并评估了过去的数据,而管理会计则是向前看,并且涉及对未来的计划和预测。 •两种形式的会计对于在决策过程中的企业平稳运营和基本组成部分都是必不可少的。 |