Lok Sabha vs Rajya Sabha
There are a great number of differences betweenLok Sabha (House of People)和Rajya Sabha(国家理事会)。Lok Sabha是parliamentwhereas the Rajya Sabha is the upper house of the parliament. There can be a maximum of 552 members in the Lok Sabha whereas the Rajya Sabha can have 250 members. Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha are very important parts of the government in India. They have their own powers in order to ensure a good future for the country. The general term of Lok Sabha lasts for five years. Raj Sabha is a permanent body.
What is Lok Sabha?
Lok Sabha是Indian parliament. It is interesting to note that the members of the Lok Sabha are elected on the basis of the recommendations made by the Universal Adult Franchise. The President is endowed with the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha every five years or even before the expiry of the period of five years. A person can be elected to the Lok Sabha after attaining the age of 25.
There can be a few members in the Lok Sabha that can be nominated by the President. The main business of the Lok Sabha may be consideration of Legislative proposals brought in the form of aBillor financial business such as budget or consideration of a resolution or a motion. A bill to become law under the宪法must be passed by a specific majority by both the Houses of Parliament, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. But on financial business, Lok Sabha has the power to determine the budget of the country. The power can be shown by the Lok Sabha on the ministers in the form of confidence motion, question hour, adjournment motion, and other means.
什么是Rajya Sabha?
Rajya Sabha是印度议会的上议院。Rajya Sabha的成员是由每个州的立法大会通过比例代表选出的。拉贾·萨卜哈(Rajya Sabha)是一个永久的机构,不能溶解。A person can be elected to the Rajya Sabha after attaining the age of 30.
以与Lok Sabha相同的方式,总统可以提名一些成员在Rajya Sabha的成员中。提名取决于这些成员在艺术,科学和文学领域的专业知识。体育也被认为是一个专业领域,基于总统可以提名某人为Rajya Sabha或Lok Sabha的成员。在该国的金融业务方面,Rajya Sabha在该国的预算中没有发言权。Rajya Sabha无权通过诸如置信度运动,问题小时或休会运动之类的动作。
What is the difference between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?
Definitions of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha:
Lok Sabha:Lok Sabha是Indian parliament. It is the house of the people. The members of Lok Sabha are directly elected by the people.
Rajya Sabha:Rajya Sabha是印度议会的上议院。It is the federal chamber, a house elected by the elected members of Assemblies of the States and two Union Territories.
Characteristics of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha:
Maximum Members:
Lok Sabha:Lok Sabha can have a maximum of 552 members.
Rajya Sabha:The Rajya Sabha can have 250 members.
Minimum Age for an Elected Member:
Lok Sabha:The minimum age to be an elected member of Lok Sabha is 25.
Rajya Sabha:The minimum age to be an elected member of Rajya Sabha is 30.
Lok Sabha:The Speaker presides the sittings of the Lok Sabha.
Rajya Sabha:Rajya Sabha副主席副主席主席主持Rajya Sabha会议。
Lok Sabha:Lok Sabha的期限为五年。总统可以每五年甚至之前解散Lok Sabha。
Rajya Sabha:Rajya Sabhais a permanent body that cannot be dissolved, but the term of a member in the Rajya Sabha is 6 years.
Powers of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha:
Lok Sabha:人民院是唯一一个与‘茵特罗德女士’的力量uce the budget.
Rajya Sabha:Rajya Sabhaor the Council of States is the second chamber with a restricted franchise. Rajya Sabha can only discuss the clauses in the budget. It cannot introduce a budget.
Lok Sabha:Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to Lok Sabha. They can pass confidence motion, show power in the question hour, and pass adjournment motion.
Rajya Sabha:Rajya Sabhacannot make or unmake the Government.
Constitution Amendment Bill:
Lok Sabha:Lok Sabha在州名单上只有正常的权力。
Rajya Sabha:Rajya Sabha在州名单下的事务上拥有特殊权力。一般而言,联盟名单和州列表下的事项是相互排斥的,但是Rajya Sabha可以通过三分之二多数的决议,赋予Lok Sabha的权力,以根据国家利益在州名单中列举的事项制定法律。
- Parliament of IndiabyIndianhillybilly and Ambuj.Saxena at English Wikipedia(CC BY-SA 3.0)
- 巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)向Lok和Rajya Sabha讲话通过Wikicommons(公共领域)