Horse vs Pony
There are many who are confused about the difference between a horse and a pony. In fact, they both differ in some features, but the important thing is that these two animals are the same according to scientists as they classify them into the same speciesEquus ferus. There are two extant subspecies under this, and they areE. f. caballusandE. f. przewalskii. The domestic horse and pony belong to the subspeciesequus caballus。一般而言,将马匹和小马分类为14.2或更多的动物被认为是马,而小于14.2手的动物被称为小马。一只手总计4英寸,因此,这转化为58英寸或147厘米,是作为马或小马分类的标准。国际马术事件联合会使用度量系统,并裁定148厘米是小马和马之间的截止点。但是,有时您会看到某些马匹有马,比这个截止点要短并且仍然称为马。另外,还有一些小马,它们确实接近这个截止点,但仍被归类为小马。
To remove the confusion, the distinction between a horse and a pony has been thus broadened and other aspects such as conformity and other nature traits are taken into consideration. Some other physical traits like the appearance also matter when classifying an animal as a horse or a pony.
More about Horse
Horses at different ages are referred by different names. Less than one year olds are Foals. Yearlings are the 1 – 2 year olds. Colts are males under 4 years. Fillies are females under 4 years. Adult females are known as Mare while adult reproductive males are known as Stallion. The castrated adult male horse is referred as a Gelding. In general, horses are slender and bigger in stature. On average, measure about 400 – 550 kilograms. They have long and slender necks. They also have long heads with narrower foreheads. Their coat colour, markings on the coat, and body size vary depending on the breed, nourishment levels, and genes of the parental populations. A unique feature of the horses is their tails. The tail hairs are long and silky and drop down like a waterfall. They have a small pointed ears and long hairs between poll and withers.
Horses have played an important part in the history and, even today, they play an important part mainly in sports. You will also see horses used in armies and police even today, but mainly for decorative purposes. In earlier times, especially, people used horses to travel. Actually to travel great distances as horses are built with speed. They were even used in wars in the past.
More about Pony
What is the difference between Horse and Pony?
• Pony and horse are one and the same animal according to scientists as they classify both under the same speciesEquus caballus.
• For practical reasons, the cutoff point to be classified as a horse or a pony is 14.2 hands. If one is more than 14.2 hands that is a horse. If one is less than 14.2 that is a pony.
• Ponies tend to have thicker mane and coat and are more resistant to cold weather.
• Ponies are more playful than horses.
•由于以下原因,高度不应是马和小马之间的唯一决定因素。设得兰群岛小马大约十只手,仍然被认为是小马微型马breeds such as Falabella, which are not taller than 30 inches, are still known as very small horses, not ponies. The classification is decided by considering other factors too, which were discussed in the article such as temperament, appearance, stature, etc.
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