Cute vs Hot
Difference between cute and hot is something you should know if you are going to use them to describe someone. It is interesting to note that both the words, namely, cute and hot are slang words. They are used more in the sense of describing one’s physical traits and appearance. They are used with difference and intent though. It is important to understand the intentions behind the usage of these slang words. Certain intentions are conveyed by the use of the slang word cute and certain other intentions are conveyed by the use of the slang word hot. These intentions differ in purpose too.
What does Cute mean?
According to the Oxford English dictionary, when you are describing a person as cute it means ‘attractive in aprettyor endearing way.’ As a result, the slang wordcute suggests the intention of ‘intense liking’for a person. ‘The baby is cute’ gives a meaning that suggests the intense liking of the person for the baby. The intense liking of the person for the baby makes him say ‘the baby is cute’.
The slang word cute has other meanings too. At times it conveys the meaning of ‘well-defined’ as in the usages, ‘cute nose’ and ‘cute cell phone’. In fact,cute suggests the meaning of ‘attractive’so to say.
In the North American usage, cute carries another meaning too. This is, however, an informal usage of the word. According to this,cute also means clever or cunning, especially in a self-seeking or superficial way. For example,
Tell me you did not get another cute idea about your aunt’s dresses.
Here cute means cunning idea about the aunt’s dresses. Probably, the person addressed to wants to use them for her own benefit.

Cute Hedgehog
What does Hot mean?
According to the Oxford English dictionary, when you are describing a person as hot it means ‘lustful or erotic.’ So, the wordhot suggests the intention of ‘intenselust’ for a person. ‘The girl is hot’ gives a meaning that suggests the intense lust of the person for the girl. In other words, it can be said that the intense lust of the person for the girl makes him say ‘the girl is hot’. This is the basic difference in the usage of the two slang words, namely, cute and hot.
On the other hand, the slang word hot too has other meanings. In most cases, hot conveys the meaning of ‘sexy’. Look at the usages, ‘a hot movie’ and ‘a hot swimwear’. In both these usages, you would find that the word is used to convey the sex appeal in the things described; namely, the movie and the swimwear. In a more general context, hot means a high temperature.
The water is hot. I got burnt.
This means the water has a high temperature as enough to burn someone.
Hot, with regard to food, can also mean prepared with spices or peppers that would make your mouth burn.
Her noodles dish was so hot that all of us were crying by the end of the meal.
这里热意味着非常辣。这就是为什么每个人都who ate have moist eyes unable to bear the spicy flavor.
What is the difference between Cute and Hot?
•俚语词可爱的表明我的意图ntense liking’ for a person, whereas the word hot suggests the intention of ‘intense lust’ for a person.
• When you are describing a person as cute it means ‘attractive in a pretty or endearing way.’
• When you are describing a person as hot it means ‘lustful or erotic.’
• Cute has other meanings too. Cute also means well-defined at times as in a cute nose.
• In North American usage, it also means clever or cunning, especially in a self-seeking or superficial way.
• At the meantime, hot also has other meanings. Hot means sexy as in hot swimwear and hot movie.
• In a more general context, hot means with a high temperature.
• Hot, with regard to food, can also mean prepared with spices or peppers that would make your mouth burn.
Images Courtesy:Cute Hedgehogvia Pixabay
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