注意力vs Concentration
这是一个常见的说法螺栓的课老师ents are not attentive in their classes. What they mean to say is that students are not focusing on what they are trying to teach them and let their minds wander around all the time. It is a fact that attention is fleeting and shifts from one thing to another very frequently. If we are in a room that is noisy, we find it hard to make sense of what a person is saying to us. However, when we focus and become selective in our perception, we find that it becomes easier to catch the voice of the person who is talking to us. This requires focalizing on one sound and ignoring all other sounds as useless. When students are taking notes and also listening to what their teachers are teaching, they are focusing their attention simultaneously on two activities as they hear and then start writing after making sense of the lecture. In daily life, there are umpteen examples of situations where we need to pay attention to several activities, and this requires switching back and forth from one activity to another.
• Attention is an on and off activity and we can choose to pay attention to something or not. On the other hand, concentration has levels or degrees though it is hard to measure these levels.