Synonym vs Alias(in ORACLE databases) | Private synonyms and Public synonyms
In English, synonym and alias have nearly the same meanings. But in databases those are two different things. Especially in ORACLE databases, both of their usage is different. Synonyms are used to refer objects of a schema or a database from another schema. So synonym is a database object type. But aliases are coming in a different way. That means; they are not database objects. Aliases are used to refer tables, views and columns inside queries.
这是一种数据库对象。他们引用to other objects in the database. The most common usage of synonym is, to refer an object of a separate schema by using another name. But synonyms can be created to refer the objects of another database, as well (in distributed databases, using database links). Tables, views, functions, procedures, packages, sequences, materialized views, java class objects and triggers can be used as references for the synonyms. There are two types of synonyms.
- Private synonyms (can be used only by the user who created them.)
- Public synonyms (can be used by all users who have the appropriate privileges)
Here, is a simple syntax to create a synonym in a separate database,
create synonym myschema.mytable1 for userA.table1@database_link1
Since we have a synonym namedmytable1inmyschemaforuserA.table1@database_link1 (distributed database table), we can easily refer the distributed database table usingmytable1.We don’t need to use the long object name with database link everywhere.
These are just another name for a view, a table, or a column inside a query. They are not database objects. Therefore, aliases are not valid everywhere in the schema/database. They are valid inside the query only. Let us see this example,
选择tab1。col1 c1, tab2。col2为c2
from user1.tab1 tab1,user1.tab2 tab2
where tab1.col1 = tab2.col2
Here, c1 and c2 are column aliases, which are used for tab1.col1 and tab2.col2, and tab1 and tab2 are table aliases, which are used for user1.table1 and user2.table2. All of these aliases are valid inside this query only.
What is the difference between Synonym and Alias(in ORACLE databases)?
SYNONYM: is dropped when the table or tablespace is dropped. Synonym is available only to the creator.
ALIAS: is retained even if table or tablespace is dropped. ALIAS can be
created even if the table does not exist. It is used mainly in
distributed environment to hide the location info from programs. Alias
is a global object & is available to all.