Key Difference – Problem vs Issue
Problem and Issue are two words that are often confused as two words that give the same meaning, although they are not so and there are some differences between the two words. The word ‘problem’ is used with an intention to solve it. On the other hand, an issue is used in the sense of争议。这是两者之间的主要区别。虽然问题包含一个争议的要素,但问题却没有。本文试图阐明这种差异。
What is a Problem?
The word ‘problem’ is used with an intention to solve it.Any problem for that matter will have a solution. There is no element of controversy in a problem. A problem is concerned with the或者ganization or the institution整体。问题不能延长或严重。问题不复杂。在时间的过程中,问题保持不变。
The problem is personal in character. Problems cannot be solved privately. This is because problems can affect others around you as well. A problem does not have the potential to cause harm. Problems can be permanent or temporary. Problems, when not solved, cannot grow in their impact but tend to remain the same.
让我们解决一个社会问题,以理解这一点。Povertyis considered one of the greatest social problems in the modern society. This is connected to so many other problems as well. It is institutional in character and contains no controversy. In many countries, especially in the Sub-Sahara region and South Asia people suffer due to poverty. Some academics believe that this has now created a culture of poverty.
What is an Issue?
An issue is used in the sense of controversy.An issue is all about the controversy. There is always a debate whether it is correct or not. For instance, let us take the case ofhomosexuality。While some accept it, there are also other arguments against it as unnatural. This is a famous debate in Asian countries especially, where homosexuality is viewed as a social issue.
Also, an issue is organizational in character. Issues can be handled privately. One of the important differences between the two is that an issue can have the potential to cause harm, unlike a problem. Issues can be recognizable solved. Issues if not solved can grow in their impact. This highlights that there is a clear difference between a problem and an issue. This difference can be summarized as follows.
What is the Difference Between Problem and Issue?
Problem:The word ‘problem’ is used with an intention to solve it.
Issue:An issue is used in the sense of controversy.
Characteristics of Problem and Issue:
Problem:There is no element of controversy in a problem.
Issue:An issue is all about the controversy.
Problem:A problem is concerned with the organization or the institution as a whole.
Issue:An issue is concerned with one or a few persons of an organization or an institution.
Problem:Problem is personal in character.
Problem:一个问题没有the potential to cause harm.
Issue:An issue can have the potential to cause harm.
Image Courtesy:
1.Much poverty in IndiaBy Peter van der Sluijs (Own work) [GFDL或者CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
2.Homosexuality SymbolsBy Martin Strachoň (Bazi) (Own work) [GFDL或者CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
i think there is something wrong in the concept of issue having potential to harm while on the other hand the problem doesn’t have potential to cause harm. i think this is a bit confusing since problem has a life-altering character, while an issue can bear only a slight impact.