iPad 2 vs Laptop
iPad 2和笔记本电脑是便携式计算和娱乐设备。当苹果于2010年1月推出iPad时,它将其推广为Apple iPhone和iPod Touch之间的交叉,并具有增加计算功能,使其成为平板电脑。苹果并不打算将其作为一种进入笔记本电脑市场的设备。当然,它可以完成笔记本电脑可以执行的一些任务,还有一些iPhone可以做的任务,但它既可以替代。从理论上讲,它可以完成笔记本电脑的一些简单任务,但希望更多的事情对苹果公司的这种创新和令人惊叹的设备不公正。本文打算强调iPad 2和笔记本电脑之间的区别,以消除或阐明人们在想购买笔记本电脑或最新iPad 2的人们的疑虑。
In the words of Steve Jobs himself, iPad 2 is not better than laptops, it is just cheaper. This pretty much sums up once and for all, any attempt to try a comparison or to try to prove iPad 2 as superior to laptops. If anything, iPad 2 is far better than some of the netbooks available in the market. And this is what brings it closer to laptops. Apple knows the mentality of the people which is to go for things that are simple to use and this is one concept that is exemplified in iPad 2. The user interface is what makes it terrific, even a 5 year old kid can easily operate it.
当您将iPad 2与笔记本电脑进行比较时,您会发现主要区别是缺少任何PC或笔记本电脑的命脉的物理键盘。iPad 2具有完整的Qwerty触摸屏键盘,需要一些时间来适应笔记本电脑上使用实体键盘的人。毫无疑问,虚拟键盘在智能手机中可以用来编写电子邮件,但是写长文本,缺乏物理键盘会让用户失望。
Those who are used to opening up the screen of their laptop and start working with the keyboard will find that iPad 2 is rather like a tablet, to more precisely like a slate without any hinges.
Problems with applications
The main problem starts when you try to install applications. No doubt there are thousands of applications available from Apple’s app store, but you cannot download anything from the net and install on your iPad 2. Another disappointing aspect is lack of full multitasking which is so easy on any laptop. Ostensibly Apple did it intentionally to prevent users from trying to run too many applications thus bogging down the tablet.
iPad 2提供的电池是内置的,用户无法替换它,就像笔记本电脑很容易更换电池一样。
iPad 2和笔记本电脑之间的一个很大的区别是,尽管它具有不错的存储容量,但用户无法使用笔记本电脑轻松的外部设备可以将其增加。当Apple制作时,您只能在Apple制作时获得升级的版本。
笔记本电脑以轻松的方式连接到网络并无缝地冲浪所有站点而闻名。这在iPad 2上有点问题,因为它比普通笔记本电脑慢一点,并且由于Flash的要求也无法打开许多站点。但是,有了缩放到缩放功能,将页面更近的地方轻松查看很有趣。触摸屏令人惊讶地接受,向下滚动网页就像Apple声称一样容易。
尽管使用文字处理器是简单和有趣,试着g photo or video editing may be an exasperating experience on iPad 2 that are the tasks easily done on any laptop. iPad 2 is definitely not a content creation device. You will have to return to your laptop for these applications.
Summary • iPad 2 is a fun device that can also do some of the tasks of your laptop, but it certainly cannot replace a laptop. •它缺少物理键盘,USB端口和多任务处理,这与任何笔记本电脑都是常见的事情。 •但是,对于电子邮件和聊天,它与笔记本电脑一样好。 •对于不必在网上大量工作的学生和高管来说,它可以代替笔记本电脑。但是对于严重的应用程序和多任务处理,笔记本电脑是必须的。 •学生可以在校园里随身携带,因为它比笔记本电脑更轻,更薄,并且还可以轻松地在上面贴上笔记,但是笔记本电脑与其他硬件和软件更加灵活和兼容。 |
imovie on ipad is very easy to use so video editing isn’t really something I’d say cannot be done on the ipad. photo editing, however, is not built in. Apple needs to get on that. But I’m sure you’d agree, that it’s only a matter of time before these machines can completely replace a laptop for the average consumer, if it hasn’t already started doing so.. Especially if you have a desktop PC or Mac already. No need for another powerhouse when you can carry around your iPad.
Thank you very much for your excellent article. I was contemplating an ipad2 purchase as I needed something portable after my Dell laptop was messed up by their Tech support in India. I swore to myself that I would NEVER buy another computer product that outsourced its tech support to India! So I decided on an Apple product. I KNEW their laptops were expensive as all my family members have all converted to the Apple product lines, and all love them, and tech support is IN PERSON at their local Apple store. So, I thought I could save a bit of money with the ipad2 but seeing all of its llimitations as you pointed out in your article, I’ve decided to get an Apple laptop, and just “suck it up!”
这是非常有用的信息。。。我要离开东芝,我想知道是购买另一辆LT还是购买iPad2。。。认为我会坚持另一个LT。。。也许是惠普·帕卡德(Hewlett Packard),因为我不是一个真正的MAC男子。 . .
Can the ipad do things like Word, Powerpoint. etc.? Have netflix?