政府和议会h之间的区别as to be understood carefully as they are easily confused due to the appearing similarity between their meanings. Actually the words, government and parliament, mean two different things. The word parliament represents the people. On the other hand, the word government is used in the sense of ‘that which runs the country.’ A government is elected by people too. This is the basic difference between the two words. Let us inquire more about each term to see what differences exist between them so that we can understand each term better.
Parliament is one of the highest legislative bodies where the decisions of the country are made. It is interesting to note that someone who is a member of parliament need not be associated with the government. His position of being in the parliament is not the same as being in the government. This is an important difference between the two words. Whether a member of the parliament belongs to the government or not, he or she has the power to participate actively in the做决定通过投票给议会提出的建议,该国的过程。此外,他们有能力将重要的主题带入议会的注意力。议会是该国最高的地方,普通人的代表团结起来做出决定,为国家做好明天。
As a matter of fact, any political party that wins the elections, and has the majority of seats in the parliament runs the country and forms the government.这是政府成立的基本原则。
It is important to understand that a government is different not only from the parliament, but also from the rest of the party that won the general election.It only means that each and every member of the party that has won the election is not chosen to form the government and run the country.并非所有人都被授予各部委进行管理。但是,他们都在投票通过时积极参加议会账单or if there is some debate taking place. There is only a limited number of people in a government.
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