Thekey difference在碳和石墨之间是carbon is a chemical element whereas the graphite is anallotropeof carbon.
Carbon and graphite are both carbon forms where graphite is an allotrope of carbon and the most stable form of carbon. Carbon is a nonmetal that people knew since ancient times. Human beings used different forms of carbon, that we name as carbon allotropes, such as charcoal, graphite soot and钻石.Earlier, people did not realize that these compounds are different forms of carbon only and it was later only when scientists found out about allotropes of carbon. The word carbon derives from the Latin word carbo, which meanscharcoal.Carbon is a naturally occurring element, and it is the fourth most abundant element in nature. It plays a crucial role in human as well as plant life through itscarbon cycle.
1.Overview and Key Difference
2.What is Carbon
3.What is Graphite
4.并排比较 - 表格形式的碳与石墨
What is Carbon?
Carbon is a chemical element having the atomic number 6 and chemical symbol C. We can categorize it as a nonmetal and also it is a p block element in the periodic table of elements. This element is tetravalent, meaning it has four valence electrons and thus, it can form four covalent chemical bonds. There are three major isotopes of this element that naturally occur; C-12 and C-13 are stable while C-14 is radioactive.

Some chemical facts about carbon are as follows:
- 原子序数是6。
- Standard atomic weight is 12.
- Electron configuration is [He] 2s22p2
- 在标准温度和压力下的状态是固态。
- Undergo sublimation at 3642 °C
- Most stable allotropes are graphite and diamond.
- Oxidation states – most stable oxidation state is +4, and +2 also exists.
Moreover, this substance can undergo sublimation at very high temperatures (higher than the highest melting point metals such as tungsten). Above all, this substance is resistant to oxidation than that of iron and copper. Carbon is the major chemical element that makes up the structure of organic compounds, and it also occurs in inorganic compounds.
What is Graphite?
Graphite is a stable allotrope of carbon. An allotrope is a substance that each of two or more different physical forms in which an element can exist. This allotrope naturally occurs, and it is a crystalline form. We can find this compound as a constituent in metamorphic and igneous rocks. This is a mineral that has some extreme characteristic which is useful in industrial needs. For example, it is extremely soft, and thus, it can cleave with a slight pressure applied on it. Moreover, it has a very low specific gravity. In contrast, this substance is extremely resistant to heat. It is nearly inert towards the contact with any other material.

Figure 02: Chemical Structure of Graphite
What is the Difference Between Carbon and Graphite?
The below infographic provides more details on the difference between carbon and graphite.
概括– Carbon vs Graphite
Carbon is the major chemical element that builds up the living things. Graphite is a naturally occurring mineral form of carbon. However, the key difference between carbon and graphite is that the carbon is a chemical element whereas the graphite is an allotrope of carbon.
1. “Carbon.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Oct. 2018.Available here
2. “Graphite.” Geology.Available here
Image Courtesy:
1.”Graphite-and-diamond-with-scale”By Commons:Robert Lavinsky(CC BY-SA 3.0)viaCommons Wikimedia
2.”147571″ byOpenClipart-Vectors(CC0)通过pixabay
Lots of data, but which one is stronger and which one is cheaper?